Postparturient prolapse of the uterus Flashcards
common complication
of the third stage of labour in the cow and the
fetal cotyledons have separated from the
maternal caruncles.
Prolapse of the uterus
prolapse of the uterus occurs less frequently in the cow and is rare in the mare and bitch t/f
f - less freq sow
e prolapse is generally a complete inversion of the gravid cornu
inversion is generally partial and comprises
one horn only
prolapse are generally partial only
sow and the
prolapse in cow: The occurrence seems to be affected by seasonal
as well as regional factors, t/f
____ (of the dairy breeds) are more
often involved than are heifers
. In the majority of
instances the prolapse occurs within a few days
of an otherwise normal second-stage labour,
although in some it may be delayed several days t/f
r. Ocassionaly, where delivery is achieved by heavy
traction, the uterus prolapses immediately after
the calf is withdrawn. t/f
0f - few hours
f - rarely
The only conceivable force
that could lift the heavy uterus out of the abdomen
into the pelvis and thence propel it to the exterior
probable additional
abdominal straining
Gravity, traction
Straining occurs normally during the third
stage and is synchronous with the continuing peristaltic contractions of the uterus which occur every
3 and a half - 4 minutes
particularly apt clinical
observation that many cases of uterine prolapse
show a simultaneous hypocalcaemia or ___
which is known to be conducive to uterine _____.
milk fever
The authors believe, therefore, that uterine inversion and prolapse are associated with the onset of
uterine inertia during the third stage when a
portion of detached afterbirth occupies the birth
canal and protrudes from the vulva t/f
reater frequency of prolapse in heifers than cows,
in beef rather than dairy cows and in closely confined and highly fed cows rather than those at
range t/f
f - cows than heifers, dairy than beef
Vandeplassche and Spincemaille (1963) are
of the opinion that the pregnant horn does not
undergo a progressive inversion from its anterior
extremity; only the _____ invert. The
actual protrusion of this portion can occur very
quickly in one bout of straining
posterior 2/3
In Australia, uterine prolapse is a feature
of the disease seen in sheep grazed on ___ pastures containing oestrogenic substances
signs of uterine prolapse in cows
recumbent, and if in
lateral recumbency rumenal tympany will be
prominent, but occasionally the cow is standing
with the everted organ hanging down almost to its
professional assistance is forthcoming within an hour or two of its occurrence, the
prognosis is
et al. (1979) reported that 65% of cows became
pregnant after uterine prolapse t/f
f - 40 only