PosteriorMediastinum & Respiratory Flashcards
Lymph nodes can be found in which mediastinal compartment(s)? Anterior Middle Posterior All of the above None of the above
All of the above!
Which structure contains postganglionic sympathetic fibers? greater thoracic splanchnic nerve recurrent larygneal nerve white ramus communicans ulnar nerve vagus nerve
Ulnar Nerve
The aorta is located in which mediastinal compartment(s)? Anterior only Anterior and middle Middle only Middle and posterior Posterior only
Middle & Posterior
While performing transesophageal echocardiography on a patient, the posterior wall of the esophagus, immediately behind the left atrium, was punctured from within. The patient subsequently developed an infection in the space around the esophagus at this point, namely the: Anterior mediastinum Middle mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Superior mediastinum
The correct answer is: posterior mediastinum
The esophagus is in the posterior mediastinum, along with the descending aorta, thoracic duct, and azygos system.
Patient's right sympathetic trunk was accidentally severed just cranial to the level of spinal nerve T1. Which function would be left intact in the affected region? Arrector pili muscle activity Dilation/constriction of blood vessels Sweat production Voluntary muscle activity
Voluntary Muscle
An enlarging lymph node gradually constricts the flow of blood in the azygos venous arch. Which vessel would enlarge as a result of collateral drainage? Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Internal thoracic vein Right brachiocephalic vein Superior epigastric vein
Internal Thoracic
A cancerous growth from the body of the 9th thoracic vertebra exerts pressure anterolaterally. Which structure lies in direct contact with this growth? Right vagus nerve Right phrenic nerve Right sympathetic trunk Right greater thoracic splanchnic nerve Right 9th intercostal nerve
Right Greater Thoracic Splanchnic
A frail, elderly man, suspected of having widespread cancer of the lungs and bronchi, is brought in for bronchoscopic examination. The instrument is inserted into the airway, where it accidentally punctures the thin, brittle posterior wall of the diseased right main bronchus. A sudden gush of blood immediately indicates that the instrument has also torn the wall of the blood vessel immediately behind the right main bronchus, i.e., the: Azygos vein Left brachiocephalic artery Pericardiacophrenic artery Right pulmonary vein Superior vena cava
Azygos Vein
What is special about the Great Splanchnic Nerve? Where is it found? Does it increase or slow down digestion?
Splanchnic –> do not synapse in the sympathetic chain but synapse in the CELIAC GANGLION
- T5-T9
- pierces the diaphragm
- works to SLOW digestion
Posterior Intercostal Artery branch off of the ______. Its Left or right arteries are longer?
- RIGHT are longer since AORTA is skewed left
The azygos veins drain into the Inferior Vena Cava. True or False?
Superior Vena Cava!
What large vein drains the intercostal spaces?
AZYGOS Vein –> found to the right of the vertebral bodies
The horizontal & oblique fissures are found in which lung?
RIGHT LUNG – more complex (heart is more left so left lung is simpler)
3 lobes*
What is LABV and BAV?
LABV = Left Lung Artery Bronchus Vein (order in the HILUM)
Right Lung
Artery Vein
What is the largest lymphatic system in the thorax?
The esophagus is found between what two structures?Is the left Vagus in front or behind the esophagus?
Aorta and Lungs
left vagus = FRONT of esophagus
The ligament arteriosum is what remnant of fetal circulation?
Ductus Arteriosus
What two structures does the moderator band connect?
Anterior Papillary Muscles and the septum
- conduction
- prevents the valve tricuspid from prolapsing
What is ASD?
Atrial Septal Defect –> fossa ovalis didnt close
If the left ventricle is HUGE what is the cause?
Cardiac Hypertrophy
- calcification in the Aortic Semilunar Valve –> cusps fused together, heart must work to pump harder
The trachea begins at _____ vertebral level.
It bifurcates at ______ level. What is located at the bifurcation?
- C6
- CARINA at the bifurcation!
Which bronchus is:
- Shorter
- More vertical
- LARGER in diameter
RIGHT main bronchus - since trachea is pushed right
Which bronchus has the EPARTERIAL bronchus?
epi= above, arterial (before the arteries)
–> supplies the UPPER LOBE
What is the blood supply to the bronchus?
Aorta & Pulmonary Intercostal Arteries
The right lung has _____ lobes.
It has _______ bronchopulmonary segments
It is grooved by what 3 structures?
What is found on the right lung that is not found on the left?
- 3 lobes (superior, middle , inferior)
- 10 bronchopulmonary segments
- Grooved by:
Inferior Vena Cava - T8
Trachea - T10
Esophogus - T12
I ATE TEN EGGS AT NOON** I8 10 Eggs at Noon