Posterior Triangle and Cervical Plexus Flashcards
What are the borders of the Posterior Triangle?
- Anterior
- Posterior border of Sternocleidomastoid
- Posterior
- Anterior border of Trapezius
- Inferior
- Middle one-third of the Clavicle
- Apex
- Superior attachments of Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius
- Roof
- Investing fascia
- Floor
- Prevertebral fascia
- Prevertebral muscles
- Splenius Capitis
- Levator Scapulae
- Anterior Scalene
- Middle Scalene
- Posterior Scalene

What is the course of the Spinal Accessory Nerve?
Arises from Ventral Rami C1-C6
Ascends in the neck
Enters the Foramen Magnum
Exits the Jugular Foramen
Where does the Phrenic nerve run in the neck?
Arises from C3-C5
Lies on top of Anterior Scalene
What are the sources for the nerves of the Cervical Plexus
Jugular Foramen
Hypoglossal Canal
Draw the Cervical Plexus

What is the Superficial Content of the Occipital Triangle
- Cutaneous Branches of Cervical Plexus
- Great Auricular N.
- Lesser Occipital N.
- Intermediate Supraclavicular N.
- Transverse Cervical N.
- External Jugular Vein
- Deep Transverse Cervical Nerve
- Superficial Cervical lymph nodes
What is the Deep Content of the Occipital Triangle
- Spinal Accessory Nerve
- Phrenic Nerve
- Trunks and Roots of Brachial Plexus
- Superficial Cervical Artery
- Occipital Artery
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What separates the Occipital Triangle and the Omoclavicular Triangle?
Omohyoid Muscle
What are the borders of the Omoclavicular Triangle?
- Superior
- Inferior belly of Omohyoid
- Anterior
- Posterior surface of Sternocleidomastoid
- Inferior
- Middle one-third of the Clavicle
What is the superficial content of the Omoclavicular Triangle?
Inferior part of the External Jugular Vein
Superficial Cervical lymph nodes
What is the deep content of the Omoclavicular Triangle?
Third part of the Subclavian Artery and Vein
Suprascapular Artery, Vein and Nerve
Phrenic Nerve
Supraclavicular lymph nodes
Trunks of brachial plexus
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