Orbit, Lacrimal Apparatus, Eye Flashcards
What two things do people include when talking about the eye?
Optic Nerve
What makes up the orbital region?
lacrimal apparatus
What are the accessory organs of the orbit?
Oculomotor Muscles
Oculomotor Nerve
Conjuctiva of eyelids
Space occupied by fat
What lines the orbit?
Lined by periorbita
What are the medial walls of the orbit separated by? What are their positions to pne another?
Ethmoidal sinus
Upper Nasal Cavity
They are near parallel to each other
What is the lateral wall of the orbit made up of?
Mostly Zygomatic Bone
Some of the Sphenoid Bone
How are the Lateral Walls of the Orbit positioned in relation to one another?
They lie at 90° to one another
How are the axes of each orbit related to each other?
Positioned at an angle to 45° to one another
How is each Optical Axis (i.e. axis through the pupil) related
They are parallel - when in primary position
What are the borders of the orbit?
- Base
- Outline of orbital margin
- Apex
- At optic canal (in lesser wing of sphenoid - medial to superior orbital fissure)
- Medial
- Orbital plate of Ethmoid
- Contributions of frontal processes of:
- Maxilla
- Lacrimal
- Sphenoid
- Lateral
- Frontal process of Zygomatic
- Greater wing of Sphenoid
- Superior
- Orbital part of Frontal Bone
- Lesser wing of Sphenoid
- Inferior/Floor
- Mostly Maxilla
- Partly Sphenoid and Palatine Bones
What are the characteristics of the base of the orbit
Orbital Septum is attached to it
What are the characteristics of the medial wall of the Orbit?
- Indented by:
- Lacrimal Groove
- Fossa for Lacrimal Gland
- Trochlea lies superiorly
What are the characteristics of the Lateral wall of the orbit?
Strongest Wall
Thickest Wall
What are the Tarsi? Explain their structure?
Dense Connective tissue that strengthens the eyelids.
Embedded with tarsal glands - secrete lipids that prevent eyelids sticking together.
Split into superior and inferior tarsi.
What are the attachments of the medial palpebral ligament
medial orbital margin
What are the attachments of the lateral palpebral ligament
lateral orbital margin
Where is the orbital septum located? What is its function?
Fibrous membrane spanning tarsi
Keeps orbital fat contained
Contributes posterior fascia of Orbicularis Oculi
Explain the external and internal structure of the eyelids
- External
- Thin skin
- Lined by eyelashes (cilia)
- Associated with Ciliary Glands
- Internal
- Palpebral Conjunctiva
- Continuous with Bulbar Conjunctiva of the eye
Superior Conjuctival Fornix
Inferior Conjuctival Fornix
Explain the position of the Lacrimal Gland. What is it’s size?
Lies within lacrimal fossa (of Frontal Bone), near superolateral margin.
Approx. 2cm long gland
What are the two parts of the Lacrimal Apparatus
Orbital Part
Palpebral Part
Separated by tendon of levator palpebrae superioris.
Where does the lacrimal caniliculi start and end? What is it’s function?
Start at lacrimal punctum on the lacrimal papilla
Drain lacrimal fluid from the lacrimal lake into the lacrimal sac
What is the function of the Nasolacrimal Duct
Coveys lacrimal fluid from lacrimal sac to the inferior nasal meatus
What is the role of the nervous system in producing lacrimal fluid?
Presynaptic parasympathetic nerves:
- Facial Nerve (CN VII)
- Greater Petrosal Nerve
- Nerve of Pterygoid canal
- Pterygopalatine Ganglion
- Zygomatic Nerve (Branch of V2)
- Lacrimal Branch (of Opthalmic Nerve)
Explain the innervation of the Lacrimal Gland
What induces production of Lacrimal Fluid?
Parasympathetic Innervation (from the facial nerve)
What makes up the anterior segment of the eye ball?
What components support the Lens?
Suspensory Ligament - collective noun for Zonular Fibres
- Lens Capsule (transparent membrane) attaches to Zonular Fibres
- Attached to Ciliary Processes
- Attached to Ciliary Body (contains main muscles)