Post-War Society Flashcards
In post-war America consumer spending increased as people tried to achieve what?
American Dream
When President Roosevelt died in April 1945 who took over?
Government policies contributed to the post-war boom. What was passed to help veterans of the
conflict by building hospitals and offering grants for ex-soldiers to attend college or trade schools?
GI Bill
What percentage of women were in paid employment by 1944?
50% this was an increase from 35%
Which term refers to the 40% population increase after the Second World War?
Baby Boom
In 1941 less than 1% of people in the USA owned a TV. By 1958 what percent of households did?
A distinct youth culture emerged in the 1950s based around which music?
Rock and Roll
Who was the most famous singer of the 1950s with over 170 hit records?
Elvis Presley
The Second World War was followed by the Cold War. It was a nuclear arms race between which 2 countries?
In the 1950s what term emerged describing the distinct social group that listened to rock
and roll music?
Some teenagers were seen as rebels and were disapproved of. Who summed up this
image in the film ‘Rebel without a cause’?
James Dean
The fear of what in the 1950s led to another red scare and McCarthyism?
Name one person who was accused of being a spy for the Soviet Union in the 1950s
Alger Hiss, Ethel Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg
What did Truman create allowing the FBI to investigate all government employees?
Loyalty Programme
Senator McCarthy wanted to further his political career and he used the fear of communism. He claimed to have a list of how many communists working for the government?
Which group was set up to begin searching for communists working for the government,
in workplaces, the media and in the movie industry?
Famously HUAC investigated 10 what? It led to 1-year jail sentences and most could not
find work again
Hollywood Film Directors
McCarthy fell out of favour when he accused who of being communists without any evidence?
45 army veterans
Put the following events in order: LBJ’s Great Society, JFK’s New Frontier, McCarthyism
McCarthyism, JFK’s New Frontier, LBJ’s Great Society
What schemes were created in the 1950s increasing sales in goods?
Buy now, pay later
What were built on the outskirts of towns?
Shopping malls
In 1959, what were the statistics of people owning TV, cars, telephone and washing machines?
9/10 TV
8/10 owned cars and a telephone
7/10 washing machines
What did Truman name his plan?
The Fair Deal
By how much did Truman increase minimum wage?
40 cents to 75 cents