Post Mortem Changes Flashcards
What is death defined as?
Irreversible failure of the cardiovascular system
Why does cellular death occur after death?
Failure of oxygen delivery to the tissues
Why does the body cool after death?
NO energy production
Describe what happens to blood after death
Blood becomes stagnant and settles under the effects of gravity
Why does putrefaction occur after death?
Usual body defences fail
During the first 12 hours after death, what is the most valuable measurement to determine time of death?
Measurement of body temperature
What is the general rule of thumb in determining time of death from body temperature?
1 degree celsius per hour
Can the rate at which the stomach empties be used as a means of measuring the time of death - or the time since the last meal?Why?
Too many factors which influence the rate at which the stomach empties
The condition of the material remaining might be able to give an indication of what the patient last ate
Define rigor mortis
The stiffening and shortening of muscles after death - rigidity of musculature and fixation of joints
When does rigor mortis become apparent?
Becomes apparent 5-7 hours after death
Fully established 8-12 hours after death
When does the body return to flaccid state?
36 hours after death
Dissipates in line with decomposition
What affects the development of rigor?
Ambient temperature
What happens to abdominal skin 2-3 days after death?
Greenish discolouration
What is mummification?
Dry decomposition - desiccation of the body with little bacterial involvement
What is post mortem hypostasis?
Pooling of stagnant blood in dependant regions of the body under the influence of gravity.
Where are areas of pallor found in post mortem hypostasis?
In a body surface that has had pressure applied preventing the ingress of blood
What is post mortem useful for establishing?
Position of the body after death, and can indicate if the body has been moved after death
What does a cherry red colour of post mortem hypostasis indicate?
indicator of carbon monoxide poisoning