Positioning a patient Flashcards
What are good rules to remember when moving patients? What condition should the patients be in?
- Communication.
- Verbalize with the patient and your assistants what is to be expected. This will avoid dropping the patient.
- These movements are for uninjured patients.
What is another name for the GS georgia street posititon? WHat equipment is needed? How do you perform it?
- sit pick method
- patient and assistants
- . a. Explain procedure to patient
b. move patient into sitting position
c. while standing behind patient, reach under patients arm pits and hold onto the patients wrists.
- your right hand holding the patients left wrist and visa versa
d. have assistant grab patients legs at the knee
e. lift the patient off the surface
f. set patient onto gurney(or dsired surface)
What equipment is used for the log roll method? How is it performed?

- patient, assistants, flat stretcher, long board, and straps
- a. explain the procedure to the patient
b. prepare long board or stretcher
c. log roll patient toward you, move the body as one unit
d. move long board or flat as close to the patient
e. roll patient onto board or flat stretcher
f. secure patient onto board or flat using straps
g. with an assistant at the foot and you at the head, lift the long board or flat and carry it to the desired location
What equipment is used for the draw sheet method? What should be considered when choosing a sheet? How is it performed?
- patient, sheet, flat and assistants
- Be sure the sheet will support the weight
- a. explain procedure to patient
b. take a position on one side of the beed with an assistant on the other side
c. if there is no draw sheet under patient, log roll patient toward you and place sheet under patient.
d. Log roll patient away from you (toward assitant). Straiten sheet.
e. place patient supine in the middle of the sheet
f. **place gurney alongside bed. **
g. have assitant grab the edges of the sheets on their side of the bed. Grab the edges of the sheet on your side
- Be sure both you and assistant are grabbing the same sheet.
h. pull sheet tight to take out the slack
i. lift patient from bed to gurney using sheet.
What equipment is needed for the flat lift method? How is the flat lift method performed?
- patient and assistants
- a. explain procedure to patient
b. prepare gurney to receive patient
c. you and assitant take positions along the patient, both on the same side
d. place your arms under the patient. Place one arm under patients shoulders and the other arm under the middle of the back. Have the _assitant place their arm under the lower back and under the patients thigh. _
e. lift the patient off the bed _like a forklift. _
f. carry patient to gurney
g. set patient onto gurnery
What equipment is needed for the chair lift method? How is it porformed? Under what event is this method desireable to perform?
- patient, sturdy chair, and assitants.
- a. Explain the procedure to the patient
b. if patient is not already in a chair then move to a chair.
- secure patient to chair if neccessary
c. have assitant hold on to the chair by patient’s feet
d. you hold onto the chair by the patients back.
e. lift patient off the ground
f. carry patient to desired location - When carrying a patient down several flights of stairs.