POM lower back pain Flashcards
Risk factors for lower back pain?
- Heavy lifting, bending/twisting, whole body vibration
- Obesity
- Arthritis/osteoporosis
- Physically inactive
- Pregnancy
- Age > 30 yrs
- Bad posture
- Stress or depression
- Smoking
LIQOR AAA; also previous management (meds, therapy, rest, ice/heat)
PMH and FH of lower back pain:
PMH: trauma, surgery, chronic illness, skeletal deformities
FH: congenital abnormalities, scoliosis/back problems, arthritis, genetic disorders
SH of someone with LBP?
- employment
- exercise
- ADL’s affected?
- Weight changes (lose weight)
- Nutrition
- Height changes
- Tobacco, alcohol, drug use
Define the duration and categories of LBP:
Acute: 12 wks;
- Non-specific LBP
- back pain with neurologic involvement
- back pain with suspected SERIOUS pathology
Yellow flags for back pain?
- risk for chronicity
- psychological factors
- neurologic deficits
- intractable pain resistant to conservative treatment
red flags for back pain?
- age of onset (55)
- significant trauma
- unexplained weight loss
- massive paresis
- widespread neurological changes
- bowel/bladder dysfunction
- excrutiating
- UM signs
Which areas in the anatomy can cause pain?
- bony: vertebral endplate
- Ligaments: posteerior longitudinal ligament
- Nerves: nerve root, DRG, spinal nerve
- Joints: outer third of annulus fibrosus in the intervertebral disc, FACET joint, SI joint
- Muscle and skin
A spinal nerve can leave through the
intervertebral foramen
Physical examination of back pain involves
- inspection
- palpation/percussion
- strength
- Sensasion
- DTRs
- Special tests
- Balance/gait
Inspection involves?
- For spine, hips, joints, extremities: alignment (e.g. scapula for scoliosis), contour and body part symmetry (also scoliosis), size, gross deformity
- Muscles: size, symmetry, fasciculation or spasm
- Skin, SC tissue, muscle, joints: color, swelling, masses
- Leg length discrepancy
- Posture
Where could you percuss once you’ve palpated?
Spinous process!!
ROM/strength for LBP? Numerical system?
- Spinal mobility: lumbar flexion/extension/rotation/lateral bending
- Legs: hip flexion/extension/rotation; thigh abd/add; knee flex/ext; ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion/eversion/inversion; toes: flexion/extension/add/abd;
Think 0-5, with 0 being no ROM, 3 having ROM but no resistance, and 5 having full resistance and ROM
List some myotomes:
- Hip flexion (L1, L2)
- Knee extension (L3)
- ADF (L4)
- Great toes extensor (L5)
- Plantar flexion (S1)
Some common reflexes:
- Achilles: gastroc, soleus at S1 and tibial nerve
- Babinski: toe extensor at L4-5, S1-2, tibial nerve
- Biceps: biceps brachii, C5, musculocutaneous nerve
- Barchioradialis: tests muscle of same name, C6, radial nerve
- Triceps: triceps brachii, C7, radial nerve
- Patellar: quadriceps femoris, L4, femoral nerve
Special tests:
- SI joint: Yeoman’s, Gaenslen’s test
- Tensor Fascia Lata: Ober’s (can’t drop leg), Noble Compression’s test
- Neural source: straight leg raise, slump (you flex neck in addition to SLR), femoral nerve stretch
- Structural source: lumbar facet grind test (lateral bend with back extended and while standing and there’s pain), supine-to-long sitting, FABER (flexion, abduction, external rotation), Jackson’s one-legged standing hyperextension
How can you look at balance/gait?
- Romberg Test (equilibrium)
- Gait
- Heel-to-toe walking
Some ancillary/radiographic tests for LBP?
- Labs: use to evaluate inflamm or neoplastic process (CBC, WBC, ESR)
- Plain films
- Bone scans, CTs, MRI, myelography/CT myelography
DD for back pain
- Muscular: lumbar strain
- Bone: acute vertebral Fx, spondylolisthesis
- Discogenic: herniated nucleus pulposis, degen disc disease, spondylolysis
- Nerve: spinal stenosis, radiculopathy
- Deformity: scoliosis, Scheuermann’s Disease
- SIJ pain/dysfunction
EMERGENCIES: tumor, infections, Cauda Equina syndrome, acute nerve compressions
Treat LBP:
- Education: information, reassure, advise to resume activity/work
- Bed rest: 2 days maybe
- Exercises: massage, certain programs
- Manipulation
- Psychology
- Pharmacological: first acetaminophen, second NSAIDs/coxibs, third muscle relaxants, opioids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants
- Refer to specialist for ANY of the red flags, severe disability, Cauda Equina