Abdo pain and diarrhea high yield Flashcards
____ is the principal signal in the ENS
Mechanical stretch
C fibers are ____ and mainly responsible for; A delta fibers are ____ and responsible for
unmyelinated; transmission of visceral sensation;
small and myelinated, parietal pain transmission
Descending fibers modulating pain are
predominantly inhibitory; can project on dorsal horn and modify or control the afferent input from the gut
Referred pain:
visceral afferent neurons and somatic afferent neurons converge on second order neurons in spinal cord (central convergence)
Hyperalgesia and allodynia come about from; hyperalgesia often accompanied by
sensitization of secondary neurons from chronic visceral impulses;
Kehr’s sign:
subdiaphragmatic irritation-ipsilateral shoulder or supraclavicular pain
Carnett Test:
Ask patient to raise head and tense the abdo musculature; if greater tenderness on repeat palpation, test is positive and suggests abdo wall pathology
Hypoactive/absent bowel sounds are;
Hyperactive is
enteritis, colitis, early part of obstruction
Peptic ulcer:
- epigastric, can radiate to BACK
- gnawing, burning
- gastric: food can aggravate it
- duodenal: nocturnal, relieved by eating
- epigastric, can radiate to back
- deep boring, severe, longer lasting than peptic ulcer
- meals aggravate
- relived by sitting UPRIGHT
- N/V usually positive
Obstruction of hollow viscera described as
colicky pain (small bowel obstruction either supra or periumbilical; chronic obstruction infraumbilical with lumbar rad)
Intestinal angia:
- post prandial (not enough blood flow to meet mesenteric visceral demands)
- sitophobia (aversion to food)
- tenesmus
- frequent and often painful inclination to evacuate bowels with feeling of incomplete evacuation
Biliary pain:
referred pain in right infrascapular region; (Boa’s sign with hyperesthesia in right infrascapular region) with ongoing inflamm, becomes more localized in RUQ;
acute cholecystitis with pos Murphy’s sign
Hepatic pain can be caused by; splenic pain can be caused by
stretching of Glisson capsule;
stretching of capsule or splenic infarct (sickle cell)
symptoms are pain, anorexia, nausea, tenderness (PANT); initially periumbilical and then becomes more localized in RLQ