Pollination mechanisms Flashcards
The diversity of flower and inflorescence form reflects
diverse adaptations to pollination
Describe primary attracts to biotic pollinators
- pollen
- nectar
- oil
- protection and brood place
- sexual attraction
Describe pollen
rich in protein, starch and fats
Describe nectar
sugary exudate from nectaries (also amino acids and fat)
Describe oil
- fat oil from elaiophores
- e.g. Scrophulariaceae, Orchidaceae
Describe protection and brood place
- Calluna and thrips
- figs and fig wasps
Describe sexual attraction of a pollinator to a plant
Orchidaceae particularly
Describe secondary attractants of plants to pollinators
- odour
- visual attraction
- temperature
- motion
Give examples of pollinator plant odours
- night flowering plants
- ’rotting meat’ flowers
- sex pheromones
Give examples of pollinator plant visual attraction
- colour
- UV
- shape
- ‘honey guides’
- reflection
Give examples of pollinator plant temperature attraction
heliotropic flowers in colder climates
Describe pollinator plant motion attraction
‘flickering’ of large inflorescences
primary attractants are
List some pollinator syndromes
- Beetles (Cantharophily)
- Flies (Myophily)
- Bees (Melittophily)
- Wasps
- Butterflies (Psychophily)
- Moths (Phalaenophily)
- Ants
- Birds (Ornithophily)
- Bats (Chiropterophily)
- Possums
- Others: mice, lemurs, lizards
- Wind (Anemophily)
- Water
Describe the components of a pollinator syndrome
- corolla tube
- nectar spur
Angraecum sesquipedale
- Madagascan star orchid
- extremely elongated nectary
- pollinated by long-tongued hawkmoth Xanthopan morganii praedicta (Morgan’s sphinx moth)
List some flowers adapted to generalist pollination
- carrot family (Apiaceae)
- daisy family (Asteraceae)
Describe some pollinator-rich regions
- Tropical rainforests
- Sub-tropics
- Mediterranean
- Warm temperate
Pollinator-rich regions
invite specialisation and outcrossing
List some pollinator-poor regions
- Boreal
- Alpine
- Deserts
- Cold temperate
Pollinator-poor regions
invite generalisation and selfing/apomixis
Describe pollination in Orchidaceae
- Nectar reward
- Traps
- Deceit
- Provision of brood hole or resting place
Describe deceit in orchid pollination
- mimicry of nectar reward
flowers - mimicry of female insects
Describe Ophrys speculum
attracts Campsoscolia ciliata males
Describe Ophrys sphegodes (Early Spider Orchid)
- pollinated by Andrena nigroaenea
- induces pseudocopulatory behaviour in male Andrena nigroaenea
Describe Ficus
800-1000 predominantly tropical species
Describe the Moraceae
- Mulberries
- Jack Fruit (Bread Fruit)
- Hops
- Cannabis
Fig wasps =
Agaonid wasps (Agaonidae)
Give examples of fig wasp symbiosois
- Blastophaga quadraticeps pollinates Ficus religiosa
- Ceratosolen arabicus pollinates Ficus sycomorus
Describe pollination in Ficus
- wasps deliberately pollinate female and neuter flowers
- females fill pouches before leaving syconium
- in brood syconium, females use forelegs to remove pollen and apply to stigmas after laying egg
Describe female fig wasps
- pair of pollen pouches on the underside of the thorax
- each can carry 2,000-3,000 pollen grains