Politics vocabulary Flashcards
Domestic/international politics
political measures aimed at home country/other countries
a person whose job involves politics, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc.
a system of government in which the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives
a system of government by a king or a queen
Criminal/administrative law
a system of rules regulating behavior of citizens
a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country’s parliament so that its members can discuss it
introduce/support/oppose/pass a bill
a situation in a country, an organization, etc. in which there is no government, order or control
the process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting
the people in a country or an area who have the right to vote, thought of as a group
Electoral college
electoral system used in the US, including voters of a state choosing electors, who eventually vote for a presidential candidate OR all 538 electors
the freedom for a country, a region or an organization to govern itself independently
a person who has very strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion or politics and who will not listen to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees
a law that is made by a local authority and that applies only to that area, also a company policy
Voter fraud
intentional cheating during an election procedure in order to promote one of the candidates (like ballot stuffing, violations during counting etc)
White collar crime
crime committed by an office worker using special benefits the position gives them (corruption, stealing from workplace, nepotism etc)
dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially of people in authority, usually connected with bribery
a person chosen to represent and assist
Represent sb in parliament
promote interests of a particular group of people (state, race, social group etc)
Launch an election/a voter campaign
start propagating for a candidate/a party
Collateral damage
non-intended damage which had to acccompany an operation (f.e. hostages killed by accident during an assault of a terrorist attack)
Negotiate with sb about/on sth
to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
Swing state
a state which is doubting what party to support during the upcoming election
a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc.
a political organization that you can vote for in elections and whose members have the same aims and ideas
a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job
Legislative brunch
connected with the act of making and passing laws
Executive brunch
the part of a government responsible for putting laws into effect
Judicial brunch
connected with a court, a judge or legal judgement
wanting to start a war or encouraging people to start a war
Stockpile weapons
create and keep weapon without using it, usually as a deterrent
Escalate violence
make violence greater (both tr and intr)
Pre-emptive strike
a very serious preventitive action (f.e. putting sb in jail so that they don`t commit a crime in the future)
Be caught in the crossfire
find self in the middle, exposed to fire, when two or more parties are fighting and you don`t belong to any of them
temporal, usually short peace period
to officially end a law, a system or an institution
a person who fights against the government of their country
Possible questions to consider:
1) What qualities are important for a career of a politician? What are advantages and disadvantages of this job?
2) What are advantages and disadvantages of democracy? monarchy?
3) Which political problems exist in your country? How can citizens/the government solve them?
4) What good/terrible laws exist in your country? Why? What bills would you introduce, if you were a politician?
5) Is war justifiable in any case? If so, when? How can a country maintain peace?