Political Reform dates Flashcards
When did the Napoleonic Wars start?
When did the Napoleonic Wars end?
When were the Corn Laws enacted and when did they stop?
started in 1815, ended in 1846
When was the purpose of the Corn Laws?
To maintain the price of wheat at a certain level to discourage the imports of cheaper, foreign wheat
What were the Combination Acts?
made trade unions illegal
When were the Combination Acts passed?
What happened on 16th August 1819 in Manchester?
Peterloo Massacre
Name 2 provisions within the Six Acts of 1819
Prohibited meetings of more than 50 people, gave magistrates more power to search, stamp duties increased, penalties for seditious material
In what year was the French Revolution?
When was the people’s charter published?
Name the 6 points on the people’s charter
Universal male suffrage, secret ballots, no property qualification, payment for MPs, equal size of constituency, annual parliament
In what years were the Chartist petitions presented to parliament?
1838, 1842, 1848
What important act of Parliament tried to tackle the working conditions in factories and when was it passed?
1833 Factory Act
In what year was the property qualification for MPs removed?
Why did Lord Liverpool resign in 1827?
What caused the Tory Party to split into ‘liberals’ and ‘ultras’?
Catholic Emancipation Act 1829
Which party was (mostly) in power between 1832 and 1841?
When was the Great Reform Act?
In what year was the second Reform Act passed?
Which 2 party leaders were great rivals in the 2nd half of the 19th century?
Disraeli and Gladstone