Definitions of Key Words Flashcards
What is Capitalism?
An economic system where businesses are controlled by private ownership and for profit
What is democracy?
A political system where people are able to choose their leaders in a public vote
What does the term ‘closed shop’ mean?
Where everyone who works there is in a trade union
What is an entrepreneur?
Someone who takes risks to start up a business
What is an artisan?
A skilled tradesman/woman, often making something by hand
What is a ‘knobstick’?
A strike breaker
What does the term ‘picketing’ mean?
To encourage workers not to work and join a strike action
What is a dividend?
Sum paid annually to a shareholder
What does the term ‘mutualism mean?
Groups/people getting together to help each other
What is co-operative economics?
Common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise
What are laissez faire economics?
Government not intervening in markets or the economy
What is the difference between Parliament and Government?
Government runs the country, Parliament passes the legislation
What is hunger politics?
Political demands brought about by harsh economic conditions
What is a constitution?
A set of rules and rights to run a country
What is patronage?
Using influence or money to sponsor an individual within the political system
What is a pocket borough?
Landowner controls who becomes MP in a constituency/borough
What is a rotten borough?
A borough which has declined in power, size, and voters but still has 1 or even 2 MPs
What is sedition?
Using language to encourage rebellion
What is a two-party system?
British political system which work best with 2 large political parties due to the First Past the Post System
What does the word lobby mean?
Influencing politicians to vote in certain ways
What did ‘Adullamite’ believe in 1866?
Anti-reformist in 1860s in the liberal party
What does agrarian mean?
A society based on the land and in farming
What is a joint-stock bank?
Bank owned by a few people each with shares in the bank’s capital
What is a cottage industry?
Small-scale industry in homes rather than in factories
What is a trade union?
A body of workers joined together to support each other with employee/employer negotiations
What is new model unionism?
Unions of skilled labour during the 1950s onwards
What does the term aristocracy of labour refer to?
Division of labour into skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour
What is piecework?
To be paid by the item made
What does TUC stand for?
Trade Union Congress
What is a parish?
Area run by a local church
Define pauperism
Poor people in a society in need of poor relief
What is a panopticon?
A type of prison where all areas can be viewed by few staff
What does ‘less eligibility’ mean?
Conditions in the workhouse are worse that the lowest outside the workhouse
What is non-conformism?
Refusal to conform to common beliefs (usually in religion)