Political, Economic & Social Contexts 1855-1894 Flashcards
What held the empire together during this period?
Reverence for the Tsar
Along which lines was Russia largely divided during this period?
Geographic, social, intellectual, economic and religious.
Localism and lack of a national consciousness also an issue.
How large was the Russian empire in 1855?
21m km2.
What was the Church structure in this period?
Patriarch of Moscow provided Tsar with spiritual guidance, Over-Procurator of Holy Synod ran the Church and the Church was subject to Tsarist command.
What was the government structure during this period?
Imperial Council - 35-60 nobles to advise Tsar
Council of Ministers - 14 ministers in charge of different departments.
Regime relied on provincial nobility to keep order on their own estates.
Civil servants who made up bureaucracy all nobles.
14 levels - all riddled with corruption.
One-way system.
What was the military structure during this period?
1.5M serfs in military - 25 year service in military + 15 in reserves.
Army could be called in to fight wars or put down riots.
The Cossacks were 200,000 elite cavalry.
Who were the Third Section?
The police state - prevented freedom of speech, press or travel. Censorship harshly enforced.
What did the Intelligentsia want?
A civil society based on the rule of law.
Which countries were industrially more advanced in 1855?
Britain, Belgium, France and Germany. Mills, factories, coal pits, quarries and railways transformed European landscape.
What was the Russia village-town population ratio compared to Britain?
11:1 - 2:1
How much of Russia was unfarmable?
2/3 of the land above 50 degrees North.
What did Russia lead the world in in 1855?
Agricultural exports.
What was the main factor holding back economic development?
Serf-based economy, inhibiting the factors that drive change such as social mobility, and the over-reliance of cottage industries for the serfs.
What prevented the serfs from becoming wage-earners?
They often starved during winter and had to follow communal farming practices on miss.
What were the 3 main purchases?
Vodka, metal tools and salt, however these were mostly obtained through bartering so currency was largely useless - no internal market demand.
In what ways were the landowning elite failing to develop the economy?
There was no attempt to make money - they were self-sufficient on their farms and there was no opportunity for capital accumulation.
Who constituted the nobility in 1855?
clergy, civil and military officials and the royal court/
Who became more significant as a middle class started to develop?
Urban artisans, manufacturers and merchants/
Who constituted the intelligentsia?
Those with a university education.
Which 3 taxes constituted 90% of government income?
Obrok tax, poll tax and indirect tax.
What was the Crimean Invasion over?
Christians in Turkey wanting independence since the 1920s - Nicholas was the ‘Protector of Slavs and Christians’.
When was war officially declared?
June 1853 - the Turkish declared war and the Russians immediately sank a whole Turkish squadron.
Who then interfered in the Crimean war to defend trade interest?
Britain and France - a joint force of 60,000 to attack Sebastopol.
What did Russia suffer from in the Crimean War?
Lack of transport, leadership, equipment and technology (wooden ships as opposed to metal battleships.
When did Sebastopol fall?
September 1855 - illustrating military and administrative inadequacies.
What did the Treaty of Paris forbid?
Russia from entering the Black Sea.