1894-1914 Opposition and Ideologies Flashcards
What contributed to the increasing numbers favouring more representation and rule of law?
Spread of middle class & expansion of education.
Where was liberalism particularly strong?
The zemstva - shown by their actions of the Great Famine 1891-92. Their resentment was triggered by a reduction of zemstva powers under Alex 3rd.
What did the zemstva petition Nicholas 2nd for in 1895 that he declared a ‘senseless dream’?
An advisory body - Constituent Assembly
Prince Lvov still campaigned for this
What was immediately banned upon creation in 1896?
Shipov’s attempt to create an All-Zemstvo Organisation in opposition to the Tsar.
What was the Beseda Symposium?
Estab in 1899 to discuss the liberal agenda - particularly judicial reform and education inadequacy.
What contributed hugely to the size of the Beseda Symposium?
In 1900 the Tsar purged the zemstva of liberals.
What was founded in 1903 under Pyotr Struve and what were his personal beliefs?
Union of Liberation
He was an ex-marxist - opposed violent revolution.
Believed in a ‘peaceful evolution’ into socialism.
Wanted a constitutional, workers-led system.
What did the Union of Liberation do in 1904?
Held a meeting discussing mission statement - declared their intent to work for a constitutional government.
Why did liberals escape the wrath of the Okhrana?
the 1905 Revolution meant their attention was focused elsewhere but this served to bring them to prominence.
What was established as a result of the Beseda Symposium & the Union of Liberation?
A representative State Duma. W
What was revived post-Great Famine?
The concept of agrarian socialism.
What did students champion in St Petersburg that contributed to the formation of the SRs?
Populism - inspired by the People’s will and violent protest.
What was the climax of the student protests?
The assassination of the Minister for Education - Bogolepov by Karpovich in 1901.
Why was the SR founded in 1901?
To appeal to the peasants through commitment to ‘land socialisation & decentralised government’.
What did Chernov write during this time?
the party journal - Revolutionary Russia.
What did the SRs argue about the workers and peasants?
That they should work together since they had shared interests and they had. large peasant membership and 50% urban workers membership.
Which previous political group were the SRs similar to in tactics?
The Narodyniks - they went out to villages and appealed to the people by stirring up discontent and disruption.
How many political officials did the SRs assassinate in 1901-1905?
How many SRs were sentenced to death 1905-1909?
What was the impact of the industrial takeoff on Marxist ideals?
Made them widely available.
What happened in 1898?
The First Congress Of the Russian SDWP - only 9 delegates. They chose their name, elected a 3-man CC and produced a manifesto saying the working class had been exploited and the future of Russia should be a people-led revolution.
What happened at the Second SDWP Party Congress?
Held in London with 51 delegates - Lenin beat out Martov in debates over centralisation or division - the genesis of the Bolshevik-Menshevik split.
What event during this period did both the SRs and SDWP benefit from despite not participating in?
1905 Rev.
Despite reforms such as the 1912 Insurance Law, what did the State fear?
Independent working-class activity and potential for revolutionaries to work through TUs - 457 TUs shut down in 1912.