policy I-43 Flashcards
what is policy i-43?
property damage and bodily harm
form associated with policy i-43
property and liability accident/incident report
policy covers loss, damage and theft of?
county property/public property
who must supervisor immediately report to?
once reported to foo, foo will advise____ w/ assigned tracking number?
district chief
who is responsible for documenting all loss or damage to county property?
dc will ensure____ are attached to form I-43?
form i-43 may also be used for?
equipment not arising from auto accident
theft and vandalism shall be reported to?
law enforcement
____will be attached to palm beach county property loss report?
report from local law enforcement
who is responsible for faxing report to training and safety and hard copy to bc?
who is responsible for making sure all documents are attached and complete?
who will enter pertinent info in tracking database and forward documentation to risk management?
training and safety
steps for bodily injury at county facility?
call dispatch for incident number/foo for tracking number/dc to document/dc will ensure medical report in ari/form i-43 faxed to risk mgt original to bc
if stretcher malfunctions or collapses it should be?
removed from service/sequestered to batt hq
who should be notified if stretcher fails?
dc/dispatch to place unit out of service/emsar technician/appropriate company (ferno or stryker)/if civilian injured fill out bodily injury report/property damage report for stretcher/appropriate paperwork for pbcfr employee/work order for ibem