POLI 417 Quiz 2 Feminist Political Theory Flashcards
Firestone Key Terms
Radical sex/class war feminist/sexual revolution oppression patriarchy historical materialism divison of labour means of production psychosexual/freudian analysis
Firestone’s Concerns
- inadequacy of lib fem attempt to address sex inequality via reformist measures against sex discrimination/male privilege and through full integration of women in to the labour force
- inadequacy of Marxist analysis and its strictly economic definition of historical materialism to deal with sexuality and sexual division of labour within fam
Firestone’s Proposed Solutions
- development of materialist view of history based on sex that will include socialist one- and its dialectical, historical materialist analysis
- enlarge it by calling for a feminist sexual revolution based on:
- elimination of sex class as well as class
- elimination of the sex distinction as well as class distinction
- seizure by women of means of reproduction and socialist seize means of production
Firestone Limitations
- assumption of primacy of patriarchy/oppression of women over all other oppression, same problem as Marxist narrow focus. no intersectionality
- call to seize means of reproduction devalues women’s reproductive roles and continues Marxist assumption that tech is neutral
Thiam Key Tems
-patriarchy, liberation, exploitation, oppression, colonialism, class, capitalism, phallocratic violence
Thiam Concerns
- sexual issues affecting African women: institutionalized polygamy, FGM, forced/child marriage
- economic exploitation and colonialism
- issues related to racism: erasure of Black women by Western feminists. ex) Kate Millet: rape is to women what lynching is to blacks
Thiam Proposed Solutions
- struggle for effective economic and political independence for liberation for women
- solution for women’s problems must be collective and international but it will be a struggle both with and against women. with and against men
Thiam Limitations
- quotes Firestone on the need for a sexual and a socialist revolution but Firestone makes patriarchy the primary contradiction which Angel Davis has strongly critiqued
- no discussion of matrimonial societies in West Africa where FGM is not practiced
Ruddick Key Terms
CULTURAL FEM caring values peace maternal thinking feminist standpoint rape pornography
Ruddick Concerns
- violence and militarism
- downgrading of caring labour by patriarchal society in favour of reason and objectivity. need to resist the lure of abstraction in favour of the particular knowledge that women acquire from their suffering of and resistance to oppression
Ruddick Proposed Solutions
-peacefulness latent in maternal practice can, if transformed, lead to a politics of peace. maternal non violence
Ruddick Limitations
- the mothering relationship is necessarily non reciprocal, is it then a good model for feminist political relations among adults?
- a politics modeled on mothering lends itself to a bias toward those most like oneself.
- not all women are mothers and not all mothers mother in the same way
- motherist politics really about mothering or is it about middle class domesticity
- does such a stance take in to account need to take care of themselves, negated by the practice of mothering in patriarchal society. reinforcing oppression
Rich Key Words
-compulsory heterosexuality, woman identified patriarchy, lesbian feminism, lesbian continuum, marriage resistance, political lesbianism
Rich Concerns
- patriarchal society enforces compulsory hetero in order to control women and keep them divided
- double life shared by closeted lesbians and women imprisoned in normal hetero relationships
- erasure of lesbian oppression as women and their woman centered sexuality through the use of the term gay
Rich Proposed Solutions
-expand def of lesbian beyond genital sexual experience with another woman to include other forms of primary intensity and support relationships between and among women which are empowering
Rich Limitations
-a historical
desexualized lesbianism
-individualism: liberate women through individual acts of marriage resistance
-assumes all lesbians are at least nascent feminists
Donovan Concerns
-masculine behavior objectively destructive leading to congruence between women’s subjective experience of oppression and the objective realities of war, imperialism and corporate industrial despoliation of the environment
Donovan Solutions
- reclaim female epistemology and ethic rooted in cultural domestic tradition that is non imperialistic and life affirming
- reverence for the concrete details of life not the abstract
- universal experience of oppression
- production for use not exchange
- maternal thinking, resigned patience and holding
- reject Baconian aggressive manipulation of nature, let material speak to you
- Chowdrows object relations theory, boys reject their mothers and the feminine in order to become men
- separatist cultural traditions
Donovan Limitations
- assumption of universal sisterhood, contradicts anthropological findings of gender egalitarian societies
- implications for women’s reproductive rights
- is having a history of the earlier movement enough to avoid similar things happening again
- Distortion of Virgina Woolfs Outsider Society