POCUS lecture (NOT on final) Flashcards
Point of Care Ultrasound
List some examples of ocular, lung, and cardiac pathologies that can be found with POCUS
Ocular: retinal/vitreous detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, foreign body (FB)
Lungs: pneumothorax, hemothorax, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, pneumonia
Heart: congestive heart failure (CHF), pericardial effusion/tamponade, pulmonary embolus (PE), valve abnormalities (regurgitation, endocarditis), thrombus
1) What does anechoic mean? Give an example
2) Define echogenicity
1) Not having or not producing echoes; black
Example: fluid
2) How bright or dark an object appears on the screen (dependent on the strength of echoes returning to the probe)
Anechoic is a type of what?
1) What is the comparison term hyperechoic used to describe?
2) What is another term used to describe a bright structure?
3) Give examples
1) A tissue producing echoes that are brighter than surrounding tissues; whiter
2) “Echogenic”
3) Bone, stones, air
1) What is the comparison term hypoechoic used to describe?
1) A tissue producing echoes that are darker than surrounding tissues; darker/ blacker
1) What probe is good for superficial structures?
2) What probe is good for the heart?
3) What probe is good for the abdomen/ pelvis and lungs?
1) Linear
2) Sector or phased array (aka “cardiac”)
3) Curvilinear
What increase and decrease the penetration of the US beam?
Depth adjustments
What does gain do? What are the 3 types?
adjusts brightness of image
1) Over-gained: The image has too much gain applied to the image. Compared with image (C), echoes are found where there should be none.
2) Under-gained: The image is under-gained. The periphery of the image is very dark, potentially making an accurate diagnosis very difficult.
3) Correct: Appropriately gained.
What does the M mode do?
The B-Mode image is displayed at the top of the screen. A green vertical line is seen over the B-Mode image. The area under the green line is displayed over time at the bottom of the screen (M-Mode).
The fetal heartbeat is seen at a depth of 3.6 cm and measured at 153 beats per minute.
1) What does Color Doppler measure?
2) What is colored blue?
1) Color Doppler measures the frequency shift and displays it as color over the gray-scale image.
2) Note the color scale to the left of the ultrasound image; the blue color at the top of the scale indicates that flow toward the transducer is labeled blue.
Scanning the ultrasound beam back and forth stacks what?
Multiple 2-D slices in a movie format and provides a sense of spatial orientation.
What helps to gain a 3-D comprehension of structures?
Rotating the transducer 90° and scanning through the perpendicular plane
The ________________ (white arrow) on the transducer corresponds with the _____________ on the screen (red arrow).
orientation marker; indicator
Where should the transducer marker point?
Transducer marker aimed to the patient’s head (if sagittal view) or the patient’s right (if transverse view)
What’s the difference between longitudinal and transverse scanning?
Longitudinal (long-axis) scanning = longitudinal to the organbeing scanned
Transverse (short-axis) scanning = transverse to the organbeing scanned (90° to a longitudinal view)
1) What are artifacts?
2) Give an example
1) Images that do not accurately represent the anatomy in the reflected echo
2) Mirror-image artifact