PN 496 - Tactical withdrawal, emergency evac and firefighter emergency Flashcards
Tactical Withdrawal
Tactical withdrawal is…(definition)
The removal of personnel from a specific area of potential danger in a safe and planned manner
Tactical Withdrawal
Who can initiate a tactical withdrawal?
Normally implemented by:
- IC
- Ops Commander
- Sector Commander
- Sfatey Officer
Where unsafe conditions are detected which necessitate a tactical withdrawal and it’s not practicable to pass the info via the command structure, any firefighting personnel may initiate the procedure but the IC must be informed.
Tactical Withdrawal
What 4 things will the IC do when a tactical withdrawal is initiated?
- Plan and initiate the phased withdrawal of crews, ensuring those in the area of greatest risk are withdrawn first. This may require other crews to maintain safe egress routes until all personnel have withdrawn.
- Brief all sector commanders and relevant crews of the plan.
- Remember that BA team(s) can be evacuated by the telemetry ECB’s ‘selective evacuation’ procedure or by handheld fireground radio if deemed more appropriate.
- Send an Informative Message to Brigade Control outlining details of the tactical withdrawal.
Emergency Evacuation
- What is an emergency evacuation?
When is it initiated?
An emergency evacuation is the immediate and controlled withdrawal of all personnel from the
scene of operations to a place of safety.
An emergency evacuation will be initiated whenever unsafe conditions are detected which place
personnel at an unacceptable risk when assessed against the benefits of being within this
Emergency Evacuation
- What is an emergency evacuation?
3.2 When is it initiated?
An emergency evacuation is the immediate and controlled withdrawal of all personnel from the
scene of operations to a place of safety.
An emergency evacuation will be initiated whenever unsafe conditions are detected which place
personnel at an unacceptable risk when assessed against the benefits of being within this
Emergency Evacuation
3.3 - Who can initiate an emergency evacuation?
(Same as TW)
An emergency evacuation will normally be implemented by the IC, Operations Commander,
Sector Commander or Safety Officer. In circumstances where unsafe conditions are detected which necessitate an emergency evacuation and it is not practicable to pass the information via
the command structure, any firefighting personnel may initiate the procedure but the IC must be
informed as soon as possible.
Emergency Evacuation
3.4 - Emergency evacuation will be initiated using the following actions:
Emergency evacuation wi• Repeated short blasts on the Acme Thunderer whistle.
• BA teams evacuated via the telemetry entry control board ‘evacuate all’ function.
• It is important to remember that teams can also be evacuated by radio if it is deemed more
• A priority message is also to be transmitted to all crews ( including BA teams) via fire ground radios ordering an emergency evacuation. This message may include important safety
information and consideration should be given to inform all BA teams of important information before evacuation if possible. If it is not possible to inform a BA team(s) of the need to evacuate, the IC having regard to the risk to personnel, will commit a BA emergency team to investigate and ensure that the evacuation signal continues to be sounded in the area of the BA team’s entry point.
Emergency Evacuation
3.5 - Upon hearing the evacuation signal personnel will, if possible…
• Repeat the signal.
• Withdraw from the scene of operations to a place of safety.
• Assemble at the booking-in point, i.e. Initial Command Pump (ICP) or Command Unit (CU)
unless directed otherwise.
Emergency Evacuation
3.6 - The IC will send an informative message to Brigade Control outlining details of the emergency
During the evacuation, what will the tac mode be?
As crews will still be within the hazard area during the evacuation the tactical mode
will be ‘Offensive’ until all personnel are removed from the identified hazard area.
Emergency Evacuation
3.7 - What would follow an Emergency Evacuation?
An emergency evacuation will be followed by a roll call. Following roll call the IC will, after
carrying out a DRA, re-commit crews to sectors where it is considered safe to continue
Emergency Evacuation
3.8 - Once the evacuation is complete and a roll call has been carried out….
….a further informative message
should be sent to Brigade Control.
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.1 - When would a Firefighter Emergency be initiated?
This term will apply whenever Fire Service personnel, or personnel working under the control of
the LFB, are unaccounted for and/or in need of rescue. Whenever it is established or there is
strong evidence to suggest that one or more firefighters or personnel working under the control
of the LFB are unaccounted for and/or in need of rescue the IC will immediately send the
Firefighter Emergency message.
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.1 - Once an FFE is initiated what message will the IC send?
‘From SM Young at (address of incident), Firefighter Emergency, Tactical Mode
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.3 The IC should consider [what] for all resources mobilised as part of the FFE
marshalling arrangements
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.4 - As soon as possible after sending a FFE message, an informative message is to be sent stating:
• Description of the circumstances.
• Number of persons unaccounted for and/or in need of rescue.
• Details of action being taken e.g. Emergency Evacuation, Tactical Withdrawal or BA crews
• Declaration of the size of the incident i.e. the total number of pumping appliances attending
the incident (not including those dispatched specifically for the Firefighter Emergency).
• Tactical mode – as it is likely crews will still be within the hazard area during the FFE the
tactical mode will be ‘Offensive’ until all personnel are removed from the identified hazard
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.4 - As soon as possible after sending a FFE message, an informative message. Give an example…
For example:
− From SM Young at (Address); partial collapse of first and second floors, two firefighters
unaccounted for, emergency evacuation in progress. This is a 6 pump fire, tactical mode
− From SM Young at (Address); Partial collapse of first and second floors, two firefighters
unaccounted for, 3 BA crews searching on ground floor. This is an 8 pump fire, tactical
mode oscar.
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.5 - On receipt of the FFE message, Brigade Control will mobilise what officers and appliances….?
- 6 x Pumps (3PL with WM)
- 2 x FRU 1 x CU
- 3 x SM
- GM
- Ambulance
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.7 - On receipt of the FFE message, Brigade Control will infom who?
- Duty AC
- Duty DAC
- C700 (Commissioners office)
- Director’s staff officers
- OoD
- Duty Radio Officer
- Duty Press Officer
- Counselling & Trauma Services
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.8 - What will the DAC’s role be?
The DAC mobilised to the incident will, depending on the size of the incident, either take over
as IC or (if a DAC or an AC is already in charge) take responsibility for the FFE
search and rescue operations.
Firefighter emergency (FFE)
4.9 - Having sent the FFE message (and following a DRA) how will the IC use resources?
Having sent the FFE message the IC will carry out a Dynamic Risk Assessment and where
possible, divert resources to deal with the situation as a priority. Resources mobilised by the FFE
message can be used to assist in rescue operations directly or to replace those diverted for rescue
PN 496 - Tactical withdrawal, emergency evac and firefighter emergency
4.11, 4.12 - Following the declaration of a FFE, what actions should
be considered?
Following the declaration of a FFE, either an Emergency Evacuation or Tactical Withdrawal should
be considered.
Whenever the FFE message is sent, it will be necessary to carry out a Roll Call as soon as
practicable to establish the number of persons unaccounted for.
5 Roll call
5.2 - A roll call should always be carried out…
A roll call should always be carried out following the declaration of:
- Emergency Evacuation
- Firefighter Emergency
5 Roll call
5.4 - At the roll call, each appliance commander will:
(5 +1)
At the roll call, each appliance commander will:
(a) Report to the booking-in point and retrieve their appliance nominal roll board;
(b) Take a roll call of their appliance crew and report the outcome to the IC or nominated
(c) Return the appliance nominal roll board to the booking-in point;
(d) All senior officers and any other personnel on the incident ground are to report to the
booking in point to allow a full roll call to be completed;
(e) Where a nominal roll board has not been retrieved, the ICP/CU officer will immediately
notify the IC.
The Incident Commander must ensure a Roll Call for all non-fire service personnel is completed.
The outcome of these roll calls must be included in an Informative Message to Brigade Control