Disciplinary Procedure - PN 392a Flashcards
Explain the management levels of investigation and decision-making.
Informal Stage - Crew Manager/FRS B/assis. op. manager
Conduct hearing/take action
Formal Stage 1
WM/FRS C/Operations Manager
SM (or equiv)
Formal Stage 2
SM/FRS D/Operations Manager
GM (or equiv)
Formal Stage 3
GM/FRS E/Senior Operations manager
DAC (or quiv)
Who (what rank) can give a final written warning?
GM (FRS E/ Senior Operations Manager)
What sanctions may be given by a DAC as an alternative to dismissal?
- A warning
- Demotion (no more than one grade unless agreed with employee)
- Disciplinary transfer
- Loss of pay up to max. 13 days
Following the decision of a discipline hearing, how long has the employee got to appeal?
Employees will be allowed to appeal no later than seven days after they have been informed of the decision.
Appeals would normally be one or more of what grounds?
- There was a defect in the procedure
- The issue is not proven on the balance of probabilities
- The disciplinary sanction was too sever
- New evidence has come to light since the hearing which will have an impact on the decision