PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures Flashcards
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Give an example when personnel might wear BA without obtaining the IC’s permission.
What action they take?
Exceptional circumstances (safety reasons).
- Sudden change of wind direction affecting a pump operator where safety would be compromised if they left the pump unattended.
Inform IC and ECO asap.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
List three requirements of BA teams.
- Minimum of 2 wearers
- BA Team Leader must have radio communications
- BA teams as small as possible
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Large BA teams can reduce workloads, but may lead to difficulties in communications. What practice eliminates this problem?
Multiple BA teams of two wearers, who can, if required, work together.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Give four examples of operational circumstances where one BA wearer for firefighting will suffice.
- Car fires
- Rubbish fires
- Hot cutting
- Working a monitor at the head of a ladder
(BA stage 1 entry control implemented)
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
There are examples of firefighting incidents that warrant only one BA wearer.
What two circumstances MUST apply?
- Operations not within a building or structure. A single BA wearer is not to enter a building, structure or any other significant risk area alone.
- The BA wearer is always in full view of the IC or other nominated officer or crew member and can quickly be removed from the risk area.
Simple answer - Open air, in line of sight
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
List eight hazards that can reasonably be expected to be encountered at incidents where BA is worn.
- Temperature - heat, cold (conducted, convected, radiated, steam contact and reactive chemicals)
- Electricity - electrocution/shock
- Atmosphere - the atmosphere can be O2 deficient, toxic, flammable, contain dust, steam, bio-hazards…
- Cables & structural failure - entrapment and/or entanglement
- Haz Mat
- Environment - weather, terrain…
- Reduced visibility - smoke, physical barriers screening other hazards
- Manual handling - SDBA (15.5kg), EDBA (22kg) + PPE
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
BARIE should be used wherever possible. If unavailable what are the minimum requirements for BA teams?
In what situation would this not apply and ONLY BARIE be used and why?
A minimum of one hand held radio per BA team must be carried and attached to the centre chest loop of the fire tunic.
The IC will undertake a risk assessment to determine the possibility of an explosive atmosphere. If an explosive atmosphere may be present ONLY BARIE sets can be worn.
They are the only radio sets that are intrinsically safe
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Who in the BA team should wear radio comms?
What should the BA team do if they lose radio comm’s with the ECO or Comms Op?
The BA team leader.
The team leader will decide whether to withdraw.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
If a BA team lose telemetry and radio signal, what actions should be taken?
The BA team MUST withdraw to a point where communications can be restored.
The position should be landmarked for deployment of telemetry repeaters.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
The whole BA team will receive and confirm understanding of a briefing prior to deployment.
What four things as a minimum, should the briefing from IC or Sector Commander include?
- Where and how are they to enter the risk area.
- Team objectives and their part in the IC’s plan.
- Any identified hazards.
- Any limitations on wear duration (on instructions from person responsible for the ECP).
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Don & Start:
BA wearers must what?
(two things)
- Don and start in safe air.
- Carry out buddy checks to ensure RPE and PPE are correctly fitted and that no skin is exposed.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
BA wearers reporting to an ECP shall:
(List six)
- Ensure 240 bar. Calculate and select required TAP in agreement with ECO/ECPS and BA team leader.
- If using ff media, test branch. Open for several seconds, test flow and settings.
- Confirm radio channel, test comms with ECO or Comms Op. Establish & confirm call sign.
- Don BA set and hand tally to ECO, ensuring the tally is placed in ECB with ‘time in completed’.
- Ensure telemetry signal is established.
- Inform ECO if already worn and ensure ECO records ‘A/B test not recorded’ on ECB.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What should the wearer do if the Bodyguard ‘reduced battery level’ icon and alarm actuates prior to booking in at the ECP?
- Withdraw from the ECP
- Take BA set out of service and replace onto the appliance to recharge.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What should the wearer do if the Bodyguard ‘reduced battery level’ icon and alarm actuates when the BA set is being worn in the risk area?
- Inform the ECO/Comms Op immediately
- Continue working within the risk area
- Following withdrawal, the BA set is taken out of service and placed onto the appliance to recharge
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
How do BA teams deal with close personal contact when they encounter hazards such as stairs or vertical ladders?
They can briefly separate, although only to the minimum extent necessary and no more than the distance created by the hazard.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
When visibility is impaired, BA team members must maintain close personal contact by one of three methods.
List them.
- Actual physical contact between each team member.
- Attachment by short BA personal line.
- Within physical touching distance.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What is the minimum rank of a BA emergency team leader?
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What is Turn-around pressure?
The pre-determined cylinder pressure at which the BA team should commence withdrawal from the risk area so that the ECP is reached before the low pressure warning whistle operates.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
BA Stage 1 entry control is restricted to what (6)
- Limited number of BA wearers over a limited time
- Incident and structures are small and not complex
- Limited to six wearers at any one time
- One ECP
- IC nominates a BA emergency team asap
- IC will nominate a Comms-op asap
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
what steps should IC’s take to mitigate the build-up of BA wearers’ core body temperature before commital.
How can this be acheived?
Where possible:
- IC to establish a shaded holding and recovery area, away from the immediate risk area, where BA wearers can muster and rest
- BA wearers to relax PPE
- Drinking water to be made available (encourage personal drinking bottle use). At HazMat check with HMEPO
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What are the minimum rest and recovery periods for BA wearers following a wear?
- Ambient wear = 1/2 hr and 500ml of cool water
- Hot and humid = 1hr and 1000ml of cool water
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
The location is entered in the location column of the BA ECB. What info is entered in the remarks column?
- Task
- Extinguishing media (inc weight of attack)
- Turn around pressure
- Turn around time (when appropriate)
- Any appropriate resources
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Who must be appointed when Stage II BA Entry Control is used?
What is the minimum rank?
ECPS must be appointed
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Stage II procedures are to be used where any of the following apply…
- More than one ECP
- More than six wearers deployed
- Incident and structures are complex and or the increased deployment of BA, plus the increased risks ass. with BA operations, demand a greater degree of control and supervision.
- BA ops likely to be protracted
- Guidelines are required
- The risks presented to BA teams demand a higher level of BA emergency provision, involving the need for BA emergency teams.
- BA telemetry repeater(s) or leaky feeder is deployed
- Confirmed basement fire (where size and layout indicate Stage II is appr.)
- BA emergency teams committed
- CPS wearers are out of the line of sight of ECP
- Wearers entering HiEx foam
- Other agencies committed in BA.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Can SDBA and EDBA teams be entered on the same board?
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
Where an IC or SC decides EDBA is required, a messages is sent:
“From …….. at ……..; EDBA required; tactical mode ……..”.
This will result in what mobilisation from control?
Three FRUs for EDBA
Three EDBA support pumps
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
All briefings and debriefings are to be recorded and stored for use at PRO’s and PRC’s, safety events and inquiries. What is used to perform this function?
The forward information board (FIB) carried on all pumping appliances.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What is the minimum rnk of BA Sector Commander (BASC)
If handed over to a more senior rank, what should the original BASC do?
After a comprehensive brief, he/she will assist and don the ‘BA sector assistant’ tabard
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What support is required to assist the BA Sector function?
The crew of a pumping appliance and CU
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
As a nominated BA Sector Commander, what is avilable to help you perform your duties?
BA aide memoir 3 lists the duties of a BA sector commander.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What is a RPELO?
What do they do?
How are they contacted?
How are they identified?
Respiratory Protective Logistics Officer
They are drawn from the personnel of PEG and provide 24hr on call assistance, advice and incident support.
The RPELO can be contacted via the logistics manager in RMC or Brigade Control.
Yellow tabard with ‘RPLO’ on the back and front.
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What are the main roles of the RPLO?
- Co-ordinate the operations of PEG and manage its resources in the event of a major or catostrophic incident.
- Provide support and resources to the incident ground such as bulk supplies of air and/or hot cutting O2 cylinders.
- Provide guidance in matters relating to RPE.
- Manage and deploy the PEG personnel recall system.
- Assist accident investigators with RPE related safety events.
- Rdesolve issues relating to correctly fitted RPE (face-fit testing).
PN 466 - Respiratory protective equipment - BA - Ops Procedures
What is available to support the RPELO?
What’s the associated turn-out time?
An RPE support unit crewed by PEG personnel, carrying bulk supplies of cylinders and related equipment can be mobilised by the duty RPELO.
The RPE support unit provides an emergency response and has a maximum attendance time of 60 minutes during normal working hours and 90 minutes at night and at weekends.