Fire survival guidance calls (FSG) - PN 790 Flashcards
Fire survival guidance calls (FSG) - PN 790
Definition of FSG?
Where the caller believes that they are unable to leave their premises due to the effects of fire, and where the control officer remains on the line providing appropriate advice
If there are large numbers of FSG calls, what channel can be used as a dedicacted channel?
The IC should give priority to appointing a dedicated officer known as a FSG co-ordinator. What is the minimum rank?
IN exceptional circumstances an IC may consider onforming Ctrl that their advice to FSG callers should be altered e.g. to leave their property. This is contrary to National Policy for control staff and liaison with who is required.
Liaison with the OIC at Ctrl is required to change the prescriptive advice.
What is the enhanced attendance when a FSG is in progress?
Equivalent of persons reported attendance:
Exclusive FSG attendance:
PL with WM (FSGP)