PMT Flashcards
What does PMT stand for?
Protection Motivation Theory
Who came up with PMT?
Rogers (1983)
Explain the PMT
IF information about an illness or health problem increases fear, increases perception of seriousness and increases the feeling of susceptibility, then a person would report high intentions of changing their behaviour, PROVIDING, that they feel confident that they can change their behaviour, and feel confident that this would be beneficial.
What did Seydel et al. (1990) say?
PMT typically outperforms the HBM due to the inclusion of self efficacy
What did Brouwer and Sorrento (1993) say?
The PMT works well with new diseases rather than familiar ones
What did Rogers (1987) find to be the best predictors of Self Breast examination to be?
Self Breast examination best predictors were response efficacy, severity and self efficacy
Explain Williams et al. (2015)
When studying the effect of PMT on behaviour in response to a simulated infectious disease epidemic, the study found that the PMT variables explained 21.2% of the variance in the intentions of behaviour. None of the PMT variables were significant predictors of behaviour. The findings suggest an intention-behaviour gap.
Explain Gaston and Prapavessis (2012)
PMT was successful in getting expecting mothers to engage in exercise. However, this was only true when it was paired with an ‘action plan’ of how to do it. This suggests an intention behaviour gap.
What did Yan et al. (2015) find?
percieved rewards of smoking were consistently positively correlated with smoking behaviour. As was self efficacy to avoid smoking with not smoking.
What is bad about the PMT
Although superior to the HBM, It does not account for social factors such as social norms.