Pluralism and society Flashcards
Intro to topic
- Today’s world is one of increasing interconnectivity and communication.
- christian missionaires say that this is the only way to worship
- Societies used to be more homogenous, meaning there was a dominant group with a particular culture, history and often religious affiliation.
- This is radically changing in our multi-religious society. This raises the question of how best a society can thrive in these new conditions.
social cohesion
When a group is united by bonds that help them to live together peacefully
Interfaith dialogue
is the practice of promoting communication across faith divides between those of different religions.
Developments of contemporary multi-faith societies
+ stats
- It was introduced by the romans, lived alongside other religious views
- Until the 7th century when christians missioniares was established as its primary faith = ties in with exclusivsm - we wouldnt be christians without it
- multi-faith society: significant populations of people are from different religious backgrounds.
- This was going to happen as travel and communications developed, people moving for better quality of life.
- Technology and Immigration are major impacts on multi-faith societies = share same schools, etc
- Today, the UK is a multi-faith society. The proportion of the country identifying as Christian fell from 71.7% in 2001 to 59.3% in 2011 and then to 46.2% in 2021.
Four strands of interfiath dialogue
- ‘The dialogue of the common good ‘in which adherts of different faith work together to benefit the community (Pluralist, Hick would support this = recognised this in birms - how there is different faiths for the good of each society)
- ‘The diaglogue of mutal understanding’ formal debates - scpritual reasoning
Interfaith dialogue: the relationship/ communication between different religions. Can be known as inter-religious dialogue.
❖ Promote peace and understanding.
❖ Create mutual respect, understanding
❖ Break down stereotypes and prejudices.
❖ NOT trying to convert
interfiath dialogue
The future of theology (2011) David Ford
2 Strands in history have lead to new directions in interfaith diaglogue
1. 20th century = Holocaust: The church to some degree was responsible for presenting Judaism as ‘failed religion‘. after they recognise this tension and developed the document* Dabru Emet (‘speak the truth’)* they highlighted that Jews and Christians = bringing their similarites together and acknowldgeing that they that not that differen = woeship the same God
2. Start of the 21st cent. = Tensions between Islam and in the west. = Muslim scholars sent a letter to Churches highlighted the passion both Muslims and Christians have for worshipping one God and for loving you neighbour.
* emphasised that both religions have responsibility to work for everyone’s good.
* Both faiths need to live up to their own
the core of all main religious faith is agape - islam, christianity etc
neither was initaited by christian these faith ^^
How pluralism and theology differ from pluralism and society
The pluralism and theology topic relates to how Christians should think about other faiths. This pluralism and society topic is about how Christians should act towards those of other faiths. It is also about which practices would best enable a flourishing cohesive society.
is influencing a person to become a member of a religion that they were previously not members of.
Should christain communities Evangelise?
Matthew 28:19
‘‘therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit’
Should christian communities evangelise.
(the mission of the redeemer)
Paul John Paul ii - exclusivists
- a papal enclyclical (letter from the pope)
- discussed the emphasies on missionairy work in a multi-faiths society
- Everyone has the right to hear the christian message
- It is not enough for christian to simply to try and live in harmony
- christians must make efforts to bring a person to Christ.
- ‘Good news’ of God who reveals and gives himself in christ, so that each one can live out in it fufliness their proper calling. = Jesus is the only saviour - we have to use the power of the hs to spead this good news
- ‘woe to me if i do not preach the gospel’ 1 corithians.
- this acknowlegdes other relgions but still puts the need to bring back to christ
- CoE will support this view and agree.
- Pluralsist doesnt agree however because they are foricng their religon/opinion on others.
the Synod’s response.
Sharing The Gospel of Salvation
Paul Eddy
responses to the challenge of other fiaths
- Paul Eddy asked the Synod (legislative body) of the Church of England for some guidance as to whether its members should be trying to convert others
- This document reaffirms the Christian message that God’s plan for the salvation of the world is uniquely achieved in Jesus Christ
- reminds Christians of the history of the faith in Britain and that without missionary efforts of others the faith and traditions practiced now would not exist
- published in 2010
- it advices christians to go beyond tolerance into positive enagement
- Christians should share their faith by living for the good of others rather than telling people what they should beleieve in (so that salvation can be achieved.)
- could also be argued for a conservative approach to conversion / dialogue
- essentially we need to be careful how we go sbout living in a cohesive society = do have to do our parts - its is on to them whether they want to take it
- CoE approach
Secular liberal progressives
Evaluation: missio and COE’s ‘sharing the Gospels of salvation’: arguing the conservative approach to conversion and dialogue
- Secular liberal progressives would criticise the idea of conversion as insensitive and encouraging of social tensions
- They would point out that christianity throughout the history has spread itself by the sword - through violence. Many countries were forced to be christians e.g. Africa/South America
- Christains should completely stop trying to convert poeple
- Fraser supports the reasoning somewhat, saying that he will never try and convert Jews to Christianity because of history of forced conversions Jews suffered.
Pros of interfaith Dialogue
- The goal of this movement is not to convert. It wants to present an opportunity to engage in interfaith dialogue without undermining or threatening anyone’s particular beliefs
- for christians, religious diversity can provide positive opportunities for learning and sharing common values
- Non christians encourage christians to think more deeply about their own faith and think about what it is they are accepting and rejecting, what reasons they have for this and how they migjht defend christianity in the face of criticism
- X: however some christians (exclusivist) are concerned that a multi- faith environment might be damging for chrisitianity by suggesting there are other ways to salvation - promoting false faith
Scriptural Reasoning avoids liberalism’s problem of relativism
- Liberal approaches to dialogue attempt to bring different religious worldviewstogether by uniting and unifying them on a common ground with a shared purpose.
- The critique is that, unifying differnt perspectives to a single purpose, it actually progressively obliterates (destroy) their individuality.
Gavin D’Costa crtices scriptural reasoning
- D’Costa points to Ford analogy for scriptural reasoning as a ‘tent’ in which different faiths come together. The tent is a unique space, a neutral ground, not representative of any of the different faiths.
- A muslim will think that the New Testament is somewhat valid but mixed with error. e.g. they will try and convert christians as a result = it prevents the expression of faith to enable dialogue
The origins of scripural reasosnings
Modern form of inter-faith dialogue
- originally calld ‘textual reasoning’ Peter Ochs this method to discuss scripture with issues facing Jewish communities - christian movements wanted to come to an understanding abt their faiths/beleifs
- others relgions was also invinted to join
- promotes hospitality of different faith group taking it in turns to host meetings
- try to undertsand other relgions
Evaluation - scriptural reasonsing is relativistic
- Relativism is the view that there is no one true religion (pluralists)
- scriptural reasoning gets everyone together to look at each other’s books - but does not allow evluation over which is correct
- They arent going to like the idea they can’t criticise the religions of other people
Paul Eddy & Ratzinger on Secular liberal pressure against exclusivism
- R said that liberal secular culture has started to be intolerant of exclusivism
- The idea is that proclaiming that jesus is truth, and other religions are wrong.
- eddy complained that christrians were made to feel guilty for believing that jesus is the way, truth and life. He calls this a ‘stragetic, highly politicised marginalisation of christianity in the public arena’
An inclusivists approach to interfaith dialogue/conversions
- The view that christianity is the one true religion, but God reveals himself through other religions.
- jp2 say that this means there is christian truth in other religions
- so christians need to engage in tolerant open-minded dialogue with those of other faiths
- They can thereby learn about the truth the christian God has revealed
Evaluation: inclusivist view of interfaith dialogue
- Kung criticies inclusivism - saying it is ‘presumptuous’ (Hick agrees) saying its offensive to say that non-christians are deep down really responding to the christian God through their own religion..
- the inclusivist approach cannot meet mutual understnding. they do not see other religions as genuine commitments to completely different spiritual worldviews.
has interfaith dialogy contribute towards social cohesion
- yes, it has contributed we study is at school - learn about it practically but the question is does it work within a large scale?
- the emergence of some political and relgious extremeist groups has resulted in renewed attempts to find ways in bristish society
- current state of extremism in he USA = Capitol riot in 2021, perhaps we need to make more of an effort to make this cohesion
- could be argued however - this approach largely ineffective = not everyone agrees with it e.g. many christians thik that members of other faiths should be perusaded to adopt chrisitianity as the one true religion
- can interfaith dialogue impact something that it has no massive effect on in the large scale?
- is our social cohesion limited becuase of this multi-faith society -