Gender and theology Flashcards
radical feminism
The view that equal rights is not enough to gurantee equality because that does nothing to address or undo the cultural impact of thousands of years of oppression caused by gender roles.
- Fundamentally, both Ruether and Daly are trying to promote and subsequently rectify the same issue of gender inequality within Christianity
- However, they have different perspectives and approaches to the issue as, while Ruether focuses on reforming the Church to make it less patriarchal and sexist,* Daly holds a more radical and extremist view* and is seeking total female dominance.
- With regard to their teachings on God, it is evident that there are various similarities as they both ultimately disagree with the fact that God is referenced in male terms,
Gender Traditionalism
The view that traditional gender roles are natural and that human life is best when following them.
'’Whenever man has thought it necessary to create a memory of himslef, his efforts has been attended with torture,blood and sacrifice’’ The Genealogy of Morals
- Reformed feminist theologian
- christianity needs reinterpreting without patriarchal elements,* cleansed of their distorting influences*
- the Church has lost its egalitarian roots as by saying ‘God the father’ patriarchy is denoted and this seems unjust for women.
- the patriachal understanding of christianity is mistaken and that a better non-sexist interpretation can be found
- 2 main concepts of her argument:
1. Jesus as a challenge to the warrior messiah expection - the maleness of this view (takes a tender-masucline approach)
2. Jesus as the incarnation of wisdom - associated with feminity.
Ruether Point 1: Male warrior messiah expectation
the jesus they expected vs. the jesus they got
- When Jesus was alive, many people were expecting a military-style leader that could save them from Roman rule and oppression
- restorer, special relationship with GOD
- Jesus’ life and preaching focused on the oppressed and marginalised and he is presented as being on the side of women on a number of occasions = heals the bleeding
- This was not the norm and extremely liberal in such an Orthodox society.
- E.g. when a woman is caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1-11).
- she Distinguishes between Jesus as Davidic Messiah and Servant Messiah.
- Davidic Messiah is patriarchal. ‘the messiah can only be imagined as a male’
- however ruether argues that this is not the messiah that was expected - he is a servant king, focusing on serving his people rather than ruling over them
- This can be supported by John 13 where Jesus washes his disciples feet.
Evaluation of Ruther of Jesus
- Daly claims that it doesn’t matter if Jesus was pro-feminist or gender-inclusive.
- It doesn’t matter if Jesus’ actions and teachings can be interpreted in that positive way – the issue with Jesus is that he is a man – having a male spiritual leader of a religion is simply too legitimating of the patriarchal association between maleness and power.
- Jesus may have died for everyone’s sins – but the idea which comes from this is that women need a male saviour.
Futher Evaluation:
* Pope John Paul II draws on this verse, arguing that overly focusing on earthly socio-economic progress is “anthropocentric”, meaning human-focused. This leads to secularization and a lack of genuine spirituality.
Mary Daly: The maleness of God
- Daly argued that God being male gave people the concept that power was a male thing, not female.
- She uses terms like “the transvaluation of Christianity” to suggest that there is no need for an objective God, and in removing him, women will have more power within society.
- Daly regards this as a false spirituality because this Christian idea of the maleness of God alludes woman to be obedient/passive = all quality which are attractive in the church this to reinforces a patriarchal mindset trying to justify its having power.
- women need to go beyond religion - need to remove the old androcrntric (male centred) - as religion has SPAWNED the oppression for women - god should be casturated
- this relfects how tertullian (early chrsitian theologian) saw women as ‘the devil’s gateway’ - responsible for the fall and the reason why jesus had to die for evryone = Aquinas -nwomen are not made in thr image of God
- “If God is male, then the male is God”.
Daly’s solution: “God” as a verb.
Daly claimed the concept of God needed to be castrated by referring to God as a ‘she’ but also by changing the meaning of God from a noun to a verb, so people think of God as ‘be-ing’ rather than ‘a being’, since verbs are beyond the masculine/feminine description.
Daly: the misogynistic teachings of the Bible and Church
- Daly points to the sexist teachings of the Bible and Church as evidence that Christianity is irredeemably sexist.
- 1 Corinthians 14:34 “The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says”.
- Ephesians 5:22-33 ‘Wives, submit to your own husbands as you do the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church … Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the world”
- Strengths: highlights how the church tradition is outdated
Biblical Patriachy
subjugation =bringing someone under control
- A key concept in feminist biblical criticsm is the idea that the bible is the man made for the purposes of subjugating women.
- The consequences is that the bible is then not the perfect word of God but written by men
- HUMES points out reason is a slave of the passion over will therefore be subconsciously drawn to ideology that their intrest.
Ruether: Golden thread
- Ruether’s golden thread argument. Ruether acknowledges that the Bible is full of sexist passages (remember that this was part of Daly’s argument for it being hopelessly sexist).
- Ruether’s solution was first to point out that there are positive pro-feminist parts of the Bible. Ruether thinks Jesus was pro-feminist in his actions and teachings. He saved a women from being stoned for adultery. Jesus healed the woman who had been menstrually bleeding for 12 years – this went against the patriarchal view of the time – that women should not be touched of even enter a place of worship – they were unclean etc. Jesus told a woman called Martha to get out of the kitchen. (deviates away from Gender Traditionalism)
- the wisdom of God is described and treated as a female.
- The Greek word for wisdom is sophia - a feminine word.= Thealogy: Studying God around the goddess.
- In other words, instead of male language to talk about God, we find female language. God is ‘feminised’ rather than being seen as a man.
Evaluation of ruetheur
- Reuther goes too far, making Jesus too political
- Comprises God by including ‘goddess’
- Chan : argue that we cannot rewrite christianity to give more prominence to women because it is the story itself that shapes christianity identitity =- e.g. ‘almighty father’ is engrained within catholic church prayer - we cannot downplay the maleness of God
- Christianity and feminism are incompatible
Muelieris dignitatum (on the dignity of women) argument 2:
- JP2 arguing that Christianity is not sexist, there’s no issue with a male saviour saving women, Daly is wrong that it’s irredeemable, Ruether is wrong that it needs reforming.
- JP2 says the Church can’t be sexist because there are many women that it likes, respects and even canonises – like Jesus’ mother Mary (and Joan of Arc).
- Jesus mother mary was a rape victim – God forced her to be pregnant. Daly is saying that putting Mary on a pedestal is pushing the idea that what makes a woman good is their submissive acceptance of being the sexual property of men
- Daly accepts that Mary wasn’t raped in a physical sense – but nonetheless thinks it still pushes the idea that woman are saintly if they accept being the sexual property of men.
rapism - a culture of rape
daly: unholy trinity
look at sheet 4 more
- The unholy trinity of rape, genocide and war all impregnated in Christianity, so to change this culture means to leave Christianity. Daly claimed Christianity has legitimated male dominance which reinforces patriarchy. If oppressive hierarchy like patriarchy exists, the result is unholy trinity of rapism, genocide and war.
- Daly points to Numbers, where Moses is involved in a campaign of war and tells the commanders of his army:
- “So kill all the male children. Kill also the women who have slept with a man. Spare the lives only of the young girls who are virgins, and take them for yourselves.” (Numbers 31:17-18). = killing womns liberation, hence its a genocide - The psychology of genocide links to rape:
- Daly is saying that this unholy trinity is what really defines Christianity – not its holy trinity.
- jesus is ‘symbolic legitimisation of the rape of all women and all matter’ = deuteronomy 22
- Dalit (caste system) in india - raped 21 women a week
- ‘patriachy possesed women’ = ‘phallic morality’ (penis driven morals and reasoning)
- There are many accounts of rape being a product of war. Eg. Bangladesh Liberation War 1970s- 200,000-400,00 women
raped (many also killed as a result) - killing a human in war is just - but killing an unborn foetus in abortion is unjust = A war in which atrocities occur can still be called “just” through the just war theory. = fighting for the right reasons = originally put forward by St Augustine – a Christian.
- In order to be liberated form the moral hypocrisy women must be “radically deviant”, rejecting all moral standards constructed by men- such a Just War Theory
challenges to Daly + Ruether
simon chan
- talks of in ‘Christianity Today’ he argues that the christian idea of fatherhood, as embodied in the trinity is unique
- daly seems to gloss over the focus that god is the heavenly father and creator of all = universal father
- by implying that god has no feminie traits implies the idea of ‘a distant and impersonal deity’ (in why we call god ‘father’)
- male language in isaiah 54 shows husbands who acts with ‘deep compassion’
Liberal Feminism
The view that men and women should e equall in their rights and opportunities in society.
Past Christian feminism
- This is the view that equal right is not enough to guarantee equality because that does not address or undo the cultural impact of thousands of years of impression caused by gender roles for equality achieve our culture needs to be challenged and changed.
- ‘His effort has been attended with torture blood and sacrifice’ - daly
- This means female oppression is the product of culture in historical impact of Christianity. The unholy Trinity, genocide war
more evaluation on Mary
- exclusive - alienates too many women who do not conform to her view. Her vision of the new elect is only white, lesbian, professional and western women. She ignores other races, classes and sexualities
- Narrow - she dismisses those who find it in other religious, instead labelling them as ‘totally demonic’
- Irrational - Her demonisation of men as the cause of rape culture is not the view feminists have of men. She alienates men by demonising them when they might share her view.
Can a male saviour save a woman?
- Traditional Christian belief holds that the death of Christ and his decent to hell shows that the divine experienced all aspects of death, thus making salvation possible for all, assuring female salvation.
- However, some early Church Father s claimed that as women are descendants of Eve they could not be saved.
- For Daly, the idea of a uniquely male savior is another way to legitimize male superiority and instead of a savior,
- Fiorenza, however, argues that women living in patriarchal societies should take strength from depictions of Christ engaging with women in the same way he would engage with men.
His voice against the patriarchy can be viewed as more potent as he is male. Jesus is a figure of prophecy, promoting change and justice, including greater equality for women.
Can women have genuine spirituality?
- Christianity has been dominated by the patriarchy so has it been made impossible for women to be spiritual beings?
- Daly: in order for women to have genuine spirituality they need to move beyond the constraints of Christianity.
- Daly states there must be transformation through self realization.Women have to realise their own power and potential and break free from the “patriarchal propaganda” eg. Fairy tales.
- women are actually capable of genuine spirituality once they have broken away from traditional Christianity.
- Others will argue women can be spiritual beings within Christianity.
Teresa of Avila (1515-82) was a Catholic mystic who experienced God.
“It pleased our Lord that I should see the following vision a number of times. I saw an angel near me..’
how do they compare?
Daly - Post Christian THEOLOGIAN:
- christianity is patrichal and mysogyntic e.g. male authority figures within the church - catholic preists are forbidden - viewed as unclean during menustruation - even some have to go on cleaning rituals after birth = reflects the idea how mariage (monogomy) /the church was put in place to protect women
Ruether - reformist feminist theologian:
* christianity can be saved - not intrically patriachal - divine wisdom is female - jESUS SPENT TIME WITH WOMEN (not common at the time)
men who written it - not a reflection of Jesus