Pleural Effusion Flashcards
What is pleural effusion?
Fluid in the pleural space
Pleural effusion can lead to difficulty breathing and other complications.
What is the primary cause of pleural effusion?
Unknown, with the goal of treatment focusing on diagnosis
Diagnostic thoracentesis (thoracocentesis) may be performed to analyze the fluid.
What is the purpose of a diagnostic thoracentesis?
To analyze the fluid in the pleural space
The fluid is sent to the lab for evaluation.
What is a secondary cause of pleural effusion?
Known medication conditions
Therapeutic thoracentesis may be performed to drain the specimen.
What is the goal of treatment for secondary pleural effusion?
To address the underlying condition and drain the fluid
The specimen is typically discarded after analysis.
What are the different types of pleural effusion?
Varies based on underlying causes
Types can include transudative and exudative effusions.
What is a hemothorax?
Blood in the pleural cavity
Hemothorax can lead to respiratory distress and requires immediate medical intervention.
What is pyrothorax?
Pus in the pleural cavity, also known as empyema
Pyrothorax can occur due to infections or lung abscesses.
What is hydrothorax?
Fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity
Hydrothorax is often associated with heart failure or malignancies.
What are the signs and symptoms of pleural effusion?
Low or no breath sounds in the lower lung fields
Pleural effusion can also cause dyspnea and chest discomfort.
What are the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax?
Low or no breath sounds in the higher lung fields, desaturation (decreased O2)
Pneumothorax may present with sudden chest pain and shortness of breath.
What diagnostic test is used for pneumothorax?
CT scan
A CT scan provides detailed imaging to confirm the diagnosis of pneumothorax.
What diagnostic test is used for pleural effusion?
Lung ultrasound
Lung ultrasound helps determine the location, amount, and septation of the fluid.
What does septation in pleural fluid indicate?
Windowing of pleural fluid
Positive septation may require chest tube placement, while negative may lead to thoracentesis.
What is the normal output for drainage in a chest tube?
Less than 100 cc/hr
An output greater than this may indicate bleeding.
What should a nurse assess if output is greater than 100 cc/hr?
Assess breath sounds
Notify the physician and consider chest X-ray for further evaluation.
What indicates a problem if breath sounds are not fully expanded?
Continue the chest tube
If breath sounds are fully expanded, the chest tube may be removed.
What is a normal finding in a water-sealed bottle during chest tube management?
Intermittent bubbling
Continuous bubbling may indicate an air leak in the tubing.
What indicates a problem with suction control in chest tube management?
Continuous vigorous bubbling
This may suggest excessive pressure from the suction machine.
What should be done if vigorous bubbling is noted in suction control?
Replace the suction machine
Consult with the medical doctor for replacement procedures.