Pleural Disease Flashcards
What is the effect of the following on pleural fluid analysis of pH:
- Lidocaine?
- Air?
- Time in tube?
- Lidocaine decreases pH
- Air increases pH
- Length of time in tube increases pH
What pleural cholesterol value usually indicates exudate?
> 55
What serum-pleural protein gradient value usually indicates transudate?
> 3.1
What Albumin gradient value indicates transudate?
> 1.2
Name the 3 most common transudates.
Now name 6 more.
- MC: HF, Hepatic hydrothorax, nephrotic syndrome.
- Urinothorax
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Trapped lung
- CSF fistula
- Glycinothorax
- VP shunt
What are the criteria for diagnosis spontaneous infection of hepatic hydrothorax?
Pleural fluid analysis either:
- PMNs > 250 + culture growth
- PMNs > 500 w/o culture growth
Large unilateral pleural effusion should prompt workup for what other concurrent condition?
What lab value gives away the cause of a pleural effusion being due to peritoneal dialysis?
Pleural glucose > serum glucose
What pleural fluid biomarker is indicative of tuberculoid effusion?
Adenosine deaminase
What is the cause of a chylothroax?
Damage to the lymphatic duct.
-Runs with the abdominal aorta on the left, but is on the right above T5.
What is the PFA of a chylothorax?
- TG > 110
- Chylomicrons present
What is the cause of a pseudochylothorax?
Long-standing fluid in a fibrotic pleura.
What is the PFA of a pseudochylothorax?
- Cholesterol level high.
- No TG or Chylomicrons
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is associated with what other disease?
Tuberous Sclerosis
What is the most common thoracic manifestation of RA
Pleural effusion.
-Also nodules possible