6 questions
______: two species of perennial low shrubs
native to Eastern Asia
Ma Huang- ancient Chinese name
known to ancient Greeks and Romans
active secondary product: ephedrine (amphetamine-like compound)
powerful CNS stimulant
synthetic amphetamines replaced the natural product- Pseudoephedrine the new active compound (stereoisomer of ephedrine)
became popular “herbal remedy” and “supplement”
amphetamine/benzedrine, methamphetamine, MDMA, ketamine, esketamine, methylphenidate, fenfluramine-phentermine all come from _____
T/F: there are other members of Ephedra genus in Asia and NA but they are not used medicinally
T/F: all Ephedra species have wiry stiff twigs and highly reduced leaves, because they grow in dry, desert-like conditions
records of Ephedra use in China date back how many years?
4000 years! used in tonics and teas to improve circulation, increase blood pressure, raise heart rate, promote perspiration, reduce fever, also as an antihistamine! natural decongestant and cough remedy as well
what is the active secondary product of ephedra?
amphetamine-like compound, first isolated by Japanese scientist
_______ is a powerful CNS stimulant, increases blood pressure and raises heart rate
also anti-histaminic
when the west “discovered” the uses of ephedra (increases blood pressure and raises heart rate,
also anti-histaminic) their demand from China greatly increased, by 1940 over ___ million pounds of Ephedra twigs were being imported into the US from China
one million
_____ was used in western medicine to dilate the pupil, increase blood pressure, treat asthma/hay fever, counteract overdoses of depressant drugs (alcohol/morphine/etc.)
by the ____, semi-synthetic analogues (synthetic amphetamines) had replaced natural Ephedra
_____ are stimulants that reduce fatigue by temporarily increasing overall mental and physical activity, speech, concentration
they mimic neurotransmitters (mostly dopamine, but also serotonin) and therefore stimulate the CNS
_______: stereoisomer of ephedrine, is a common ingredient in OTC medicines
Ephedra contains pseudoephedrine, but todays synthetic is obtained by yeast fermentation of dextrose in the presence of enzymes and benzaldehyde
why is pseudoephedrine used in the illicit drug trade?
its easily reduced to methamphetamine and oxidized to methcathinone
why did Ephedra become a “herbal remedy” and weight loss supplement in the 90s?
it increases body metabolism and temp
it was also sold as something to improve athletic performance
adverse effects of Ephedra include…
hypertension, heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat, strokes and seizures
sometimes acute psychosis, when combined with other things