Plant Organ systems Flashcards
A plant has 2 organ systems
A shoot system + Root system,
Shoot System
Everything above the ground
Root System
Everything below ground and Ariel roots
Anchors the plant into the soil
Transports water and nutrients throughout the plant ( vascular tissue)
Collects water from the soil and transport it to the stem
Stores food that is made in other parts of the plant
Root Cap
The bottom of the root covered with protective epidermal Tissue
Epidermal Tissue
It is made of a single layer of cells, and the cells are closely packed to each other without any intercellular spaces.
Root Cap
The bottom of the root is covered with protective epidermal Tissue
Meristematic Tissue
contains undifferentiated cells, which are the building blocks of the specialized plant structures.
Below the epidermal tissue
Layers of ground tissues and vascular tissues make up the centre of the root
Ground tissues
all the other tissue in a plant that isn’t dermal tissue or vascular tissue.
Vascular Tissue
comprised of the xylem and the phloem,
The tissues of the leaf work together to accomplish-
Photosynthesis occurs in ground tissues called
tiny openings present on the epidermis of leaves.
transports water and nutrients from the plant-soil interface to stems and leaves, and provides mechanical support and storage
The sugar produced in the leaf is carried by the vascular tissue t
Carbon dioxide enters and oxygen and extra water leaves through and opening in the leaf tissue called
They are controlled by
Guard Cells
Guard cells
control gas diffusion by regulating the opening and closure of stomatal pores.
Supports the leaves and flowers
ground tissue
Epidermal Tissue provides a protective covering and allowes for the exchange of
Gases and water vapour
Epidermal tissue also secretes …
The cuticle
The cuticle
Waxy substance that protects and reduces water loss
Reproductive Structure
Produces seeds through sexual reproduction
Stamens, with filament and anther at the tip
Male organ
produces pollen
( Male sex cells)
Female organs
Ovary, style and stigma
female organs
Female sex cells
Where are eggs located
In the ovaries
when pollen and egg unite the fertilized egg becomes a