Plant List Flashcards
What is the common name for Acer palmatum?
Japanese maple
What is the scientific name for Lady’s mantle?
Alchemilla mollis
What is the common name for Anemone hupehensis?
Japanese anemone
What is the scientific name for Himalayan birch?
Betula utilis
What is the common name for Callicarpa bodinieri?
Bodinieri beautyberry
What is the scientific name for Hedge bindweed?
Calystegia sepium
What is the common name for Camellia japonica?
Common camellia
What is the scientific name for Canna?
Canna indica
What is the name for Remote sedge?
Carex remota
What is the scientific name for Cornflower?
Centaurea cyanus
What is the common name for Cynara cardunculus?
What is the scientific name for Dianthus pink?
Dianthus armeria
What is the common name for Dionaea muscipula?
Venus fly trap
What is the scientific name for Scaly male fern?
Dryopteris cristata
What is the common name for Euphorbia myrsinites?
Broad-leaved glaucous spurge
What is the scientific name for Common snowdrop?
Galanthus nivalis
What is the common name for Hedera helix?
Common English ivy
What is the scientific name for Common sunflower?
Helianthus annuus
What is the common name for Hydrangea macrophylla?
Common hydrangea
What is the scientific name for Yellow flag Iris?
Iris pseudacorus
What is the common name for Juniperus communis?
Common juniper
What is the scientific name for Oval-leaf privet?
Ligustrum ovalifolium
What is the common name for Lupinus albus?
White lupin
What is the scientific name for Water forget-me-not?
Myosotis scorpioides
What is the common name for Nigella damascena?
Persian love-in-a-mist
What is the scientific name for Persian ironwood?
Parrotia persica
What is the common name for Pinus sylvestris?
Scots pine
What is the scientific name for White poplar?
Populus alba
What is the common name for Quercus robur?
Common oak
What is the scientific name for Yellow rattle?
Rhinanthus minor
What is the scientific name for the tall artichoke?
Castor oil plant
Ricinus communis?
What is the scientific name for Scarlet-flowered sage?
Salvia splendens
What is the common name for Sarcococca orientalis?
Winter box
What is the scientific name for Common houseleek?
Sempervivum tectorum
What is the common name for Skimmia japonica?
What is the scientific name for Mexican feather grass?
Stipa tenuissima
What is the common name for Tagetes erecta?
African marigold
What is the scientific name for French marigold?
Tagetes patula
What is the common name for Veronica beccabunga?
What is the scientific name for Guelder rose?
Viburnum opulus