Plans de transition Flashcards
Quelle est la prévision de l’augmentation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici 2030 selon les engagements actuels ? Quelle réduction des émissions est nécessaire d’ici 2030 pour atteindre l’objectif de l’Accord de Paris, selon le GIEC ?
- Les engagements actuels entraîneraient une augmentation des émissions de 10,6 % d’ici 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de 2010.
- Pour atteindre l’objectif de l’Accord de Paris, les émissions doivent être réduites de 45 % d’ici 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de 2019.
Quels signes d’espoir sont mentionnés dans le rapport ?
La plupart des parties ayant soumis de nouvelles NDC ont montré une ambition accrue contre les changements climatiques, et si toutes les stratégies à long terme sont pleinement mises en œuvre, les émissions de ces pays pourraient être réduites de 68 % en 2050 par rapport à 2019.
What has changed in the approach of central banks towards climate change?
A few years ago, the involvement of central banks in combating climate change was not evident, but today, it is considered an urgent priority. Central banks, including the Banque de France and the Eurosystem, are now actively supporting and complementing collective action against climate change.
What is the role of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)?
The Banque de France has played a leading role in the NGFS, which now includes over 80 members, such as the Federal Reserve. The NGFS significantly contributes to the supervision of banks and insurance companies regarding climate issues.
What steps has the Banque de France taken towards responsible investment and green finance?
The Banque de France is committed to a responsible investment policy and plans to completely exit from coal investments by 2024. The European Central Bank (ECB), under Christine Lagarde’s leadership, has incorporated climate change into its strategic review.
What is the importance of greening monetary policy?
Villeroy de Galhau emphasized the importance of greening monetary policy, recognizing it as a significant new frontier to explore.
Why should climate change be integrated into monetary policy?
Climate change is linked to the Eurosystem’s primary mandate of price stability. Climate shocks have stagflationary potential, causing both price increases and economic slowdown, and could reduce the potential growth of economies in the long term.
What is the importance of acknowledging and addressing climate risks in the operations of central banks, particularly in the context of the European Central Bank (ECB)?”
Recognizing and integrating climate risks into central bank operations is essential to maintain financial stability and ensure effective transmission of monetary policy. The ECB’s balance sheet is exposed to climate risks, necessitating a more comprehensive consideration of these risks.
What are the technical challenges and the necessity for action in considering climate risks?
Considering climate risk is technically challenging, especially due to its long-term nature. Market neutrality should not prevent achieving carbon neutrality in market operations.
What actions are proposed by François Villeroy de Galhau regarding central banks’ involvement in greening the economy?
Forecasting and Modeling:
- Understand the effects of climate change on prices and economic growth.
- Integrate transition fiscal measures like carbon tax into economic models.
- Assess the energy sector’s impact and evaluate the influence of climate risks on economic growth potential.
Publishing and Imposing Standards:
- Demand transparency from all financial and corporate counterparts in terms of climate risk exposure.
- Harmonize metrics for assessing climate risks and move towards a unified regulatory framework.
- Work with rating agencies that properly integrate climate risks.
- Standardize data and use the European directive on extra-financial reporting.
Incorporating Climate Risk into Monetary Policy:
- Decarbonize the ECB’s balance sheet by targeting corporate assets.
- Adjust asset valuation based on climate transition risk.
- Use climate alignment as an indicator for issuers.
- Realign corporate bond purchase limits based on climate criteria.
What is the European Central Bank (ECB) doing to “green” its monetary policy?
The ECB has started reducing its investments in highly polluting companies and shifting towards more environmentally friendly alternatives.
What are the initial results of the ECB’s investment shift?
The ECB’s investments in the fourth quarter of 2022 targeted companies with a 65% reduction in CO2 emission intensity compared to the previous three quarters.
What is the context of the ECB’s corporate bond portfolio?
The ECB holds a significant portfolio of corporate bonds, accumulated since 2018, valued at 385 billion euros. Historically, this portfolio was constituted in a “neutral” manner, leading to an overrepresentation of high greenhouse gas-emitting companies.
What is the ECB’s goal in “greening” its portfolio?
The ECB aims to progressively transform its portfolio to reduce the proportion of major polluters and support less polluting companies.
How is the ECB transitioning its investment strategy?
The transition is slowed by the end of active purchases of new corporate bonds by the ECB and the need to wait for the maturity of existing bonds. The ECB is gradually replacing these bonds with investments in less polluting companies.
What are the reactions and perspectives on the ECB’s efforts?
While the ECB’s efforts are appreciated, some observers consider them insufficient and too slow. The ECB acknowledges that much remains to be done but believes that these initial steps contribute to the fight against climate change and the achievement of the Paris Agreement goals.
What is the ECB’s long-term role in financial markets in relation to climate change?
In the long term, the ECB aims to influence financial markets by making financing cheaper for less polluting companies, acting as a compass for sustainable investments.
What are the next steps for the ECB in integrating environmental criteria?
The ECB plans to introduce environmental criteria for collateral used by banks when refinancing, applying a discount to polluting companies by the end of 2024.
Quelles sont les principales conclusions du rapport de l’ACPR et de l’AMF sur les engagements climatiques des acteurs financiers en France ?
Le rapport souligne un manque de progrès concrets dans la mise en œuvre opérationnelle des engagements climatiques, des incohérences dans les politiques d’exclusion du charbon, et des difficultés méthodologiques dans le calcul des expositions au pétrole et au gaz.
Quelle est la position des assureurs concernant leur politique d’exclusion du charbon ?
La majorité des assureurs n’ont pas modifié leur politique d’exclusion du charbon par rapport à l’année précédente, avec seulement cinq des 17 assureurs étudiés ayant introduit des restrictions supplémentaires.
Quelles sont les exigences réglementaires croissantes mentionnées dans le rapport ?
Les autorités rappellent l’importance de se conformer aux obligations de reporting en vertu de la réglementation européenne (SFDR) et de la loi énergie-climat française, et alertent sur les textes réglementaires à venir qui seront plus exigeants en matière de publication d’informations extra-financières.