Placenta praevia Flashcards
What is placenta praevia?
Placenta attached to lower segment of uterus after 34 weeks
What is a placenta praevia before 34 weeks called?
Low lying placenta
What are the grades of placenta praevia?
I= encroaching on lower segment II= reached internal os III= covers internal os IV= central placenta
What are the risk factors for a placenta praevia?
Multiple pregnancy
Previous C section
What is the presentation of placenta praevia?
Painless PV bleeding
Soft, non tender uterus
Malpresentation of foetus- often oblique
What investigations are done where placenta praevia is suspected?
Pelvic US
NEVER to vaginal exam until ruled out
What is the management of placenta praevia?
Dependent on severity and gestation
C section required to deliver
What is placenta accreta?
Complete or partial attachment of placenta to myometrium
What are the risk factors for placenta accreta?
Previous C section or uterine surgery
What is the management of placenta accreta?
C section required for delivery