Placenta praevia Flashcards
Definitions of Praevia
Praevia- covering internal os
Low lying- within 20mm of internal os
Normal >20mm of internal os
RF to get praevia
Prev praevia
Prev CS- 1 prev- 1%, 2 prev 1.7%, 3 prev- 2.8%
Mat age >40
<12m of birth after CS
Diagnosis of praevia
TV Scan at 20 weeks
32 weeks, if still low then 36 weeks.
Also check cervical length, if <25mm- higher risk of PTB and bleeding.
Individualised care
Advise- no intercourse
VTE- esp when in hospital, balance risk and benefits.
Tocolysis- only for time for steroids and if mum/baby are well
DO NOT use cerclage
RF with praevia
Preterm birth
Blood tx (12x more likely)
CS and hysterectomy risks
Risk of needing GA
CS in praevia
USS to check placenta position
Make incision away from the placenta- vertical if needed
Early hysterectomy
Definition of accreta
Accreta- only myometrium
Increta- myometrium and serosa
Pancreta- Perforates the entire uterine wall
Risk of accreta if praevia and prev CS
1 prev- 3%
2 prev- 11%
3 prev- 40%
Diagnosis of accreta
Most specific- bladder wall interruption,
most sensitive- abnormal vasculature
Abnormal uterine bulging
Dark intraplacental bands
RF of accreta
Prev CS
Prev uterine surg- myomectomy, MROP, curretage
PN endometritis
Bicornuate uterus
Submucosal fibroids