Fetal monitoring in labour Flashcards
What should be done in each hourly assessment?
- Contractions- length, strength and freq
- Risk factors
- FH monitoring- any concerns
- Progress of labour
Intermittent auscultation in 1st stage
- IA after a palpated contraction for at least 1min
- at least once every 15min
- Record any accelerations or decels if heard
- Maternal HR every hour
- Urgent USS if no FH detected
IA in 2nd stage
- IA after a palpated contraction for at least 1min
- FH once every 5min
- Check mums HR simultaneously
- Seek help if both HRs the same
What to do if decel or inc of 20bpm in FH
- IA more frequently
- Full review- contractions, freq, maternal obs, progress of labour
If concerns-
Call for help
Transfer to Obs led unit
Continuous CTG
When to change back to IA?
If CTG normal for 20min unless women decides to stay on CTG
Continue CTG if
FH concerns ongoing
Maternal or fetal RF arise
Reasons for cont CTG in labour
- Prev section
- Sepsis/suspected chorio
- Diabetes
- Non-cephalic lie
- Poly/anhydraminos
- > 42weeks
Intrapartum risk factors
- Contractions lasting >2min
- 5 or more cont in 10min
- Mec
- Mat pyrexia/signs of infection
- Abnormal pain presentation
- Mat HR >120
- HTN- Raised BP or proteinuria- new onset
- Delay in 1st or2nd stage
- Epidural
- Synto
Differentiating maternal and FH
- Pinnard
- Pulse ox for maternal HR
- Palpate MH
CTG White criteria
Baseline- 110-160bpm
Variability 5-25bpm
Accelerations- reassuring if present
Decels - none
- Early or variable w no concerning features
CTG amber
Baseline- 100-109bpm
- Inc of 20bpm
- Undetermined baseline
Variability- <5 for 30-50min
>25 for 10min
Decels- Variable with concerning charc <30min
Late decels <30min
Baseline <100bpm or >160bpm
Variability- <5 for >50min
>25 for >10min
Decels- Variable with concerning charc >30min
Late decels >30min
Acute brady
What can affect variability
Normal sleep period- should cycle
Opioids- pethedine, morphine
Concerning characteristics of decels
Decel- Drop by >15bpm, lasting 15s
Concerning if:
- Lasting >60s
- Red variability in the decel
- Slow return to baseline
- Loss of shouldering
Conservative measures for suspicious traces
Change position
Review RF
Adjust synto if needed ie hyperstimulating
DO NOT- offer IV fluids unless- Mum is hypotensive/septic
Fetal scalp stimulation
Expediting birth
FBS no longer advised