Pins Flashcards
White to play and win
2-32: 1.Re1 f5 2.d3
White to play and regain his piece
2-33: 1.Nc3 making use of two pins on the d- and e- files! 1…Qa5 2.Nxe4
Black to play and win
2-34: 1…Qd7 1…Qd6?? 2.Nf5+. 2.Qc6 Rxd4 3.Qxd7+ Rxd7 4.Rxd7+ Nxd7 wins a piece
White to play and win
2-35: 1.h3 1.Be2? Ne5 saves the piece; 1.gxf3?? Bxf3+ 2.Be2 Bxh1. 1…Bh5 2.Be2, but now the knight can’t move and guard the bishop, so a piece is lost…
Black to play and win
2-36: 1…Rxe4 wins a piece. 2.Qxe4 If 2.dxe4 Qxd1+, but not 1…Qxe4??, when 2.dxe4 is good for White. 2…Qxe4 3.dxe4 Rxd1.
White to play and win
2-37: 1.Bd3 Also good is 1.Nxe5 Qxe5 2.Bd3. 1…Qg4 2.Rxe5+.
Black to play and win
2-38: 1…Bh4 wins the queen.
Black to play and win
2-39: 1…Nxe3 2.Qxe5 (2.Qxe3 Bg5 wins the queen.) 2…Nxd1 wins the exchange.
White to play and win
2-40: 1.Bxf6 is much better than 1.Rxf6. It wins the knight and the queen, since Qxg7# is threatened as well.
Black to play and win
2-41: 1…Rxh3+ 2.Kg1 Rxd3.
Black to play and win
2-42: 1…Nxg3 wins, e.g. 2.hxg3 Other lines are bad, too! 2…Qxh1+ 3.Ke2 Nd4+ 4.Kf2 Qxd1 would win the queen.
Black to play and win
2-43: 1…Qg3+ 2.Kh1 Qxh3+ 3.Kg1 and now Black can play 3…hxg6 or even 3…Qg3+ 4.Kh1 Bxf2
Black to play and win a piece
2-44: 1…Qg3+ 2.Kh1 Qxe5.
White to play and win
2-45: 1.Bxg6+ and Black loses a pawn and cannot castle, if 1…hxg6 2. Qxh8 Qxd4 3. Qxg8+ Ke7 4.O-O White is winning.
Black to play and win
2-46: 1…Bh3 2.g3 2.f4 Bxg2 3.Rfe1 (3.Rf2 Bf3+) 3…Bf3+ 4.Kf2 Bxd1 5.Rxd1. 2…Bxf1 3.Kxf1 wins the exchange
Black to play and win a pawn
2-47: 1…fxe5 2.fxe5 Rxf3 3.Bxf3 Nxe5.
Black to play and win
2-48: 1…f6 is the simplest and best – it wins the pinned knight.
Black to play and win
2-49: 1…f5 And White’s knight is pinned because of the mate on g2.
Black to play and win
2-50: 1…Ra1 wins the queen.
White to play and win a pawn
2-51: 1.Qxg6 and White escapes with the g-pawn.
White to play and win the bishop-pair
2-52. 1.cxd5 exd5 Or 1…Nxd5 2.Nb5 and 3.Nxd6. 2.Nb5 Qe7 3.Nxd6 Qxd6.
Black to play and win
2-53: 1…Ne4 wins the pinned knight on c3.
Black to play and win
2-54: 1…Qa5 wins the pinned knight on c3.
White to play and win
2-55: 1.Bb5 pins the queen to the king (don’t just save your queen!).
White to play and win
2-56: 1.Bb5 Qxb5 1…Bxc2+ 2.Ke1 is the same. 2.Qc8#.
Black to play and win
2-57: 1…Qxg3+ The queen is immune. This tactic is often overlooked by beginners.
White to play and win a pawn
2-58: 1.Qxh6+ The queen cannot be captured because of the pin.
Black to play and win
2-59: 1…Qxe2 2.Rxe2 f6 wins the bishop. But 1…f6? immediately does not work because of 2.Qc4+!, getting out of the pin and then the bishop can safely move.
Black to play and win
2-60: 1…Re8 The queen is pinned because of the threat of …Rxe1#! So White loses his queen for the rook in this common pattern.
White to play and win
2-61: 1.Rb1 wins the pinned bishop.
White to play and win
2-62: 1.Rd1 c6 2.c4 wins the knight.
White to play and win
2-63: 1.Qxe5 picks off the knight.
White to play and win
2-64: 1.Bh6 g6 2.Bxf8 wins the exchange and is superior to 1.Nxg7 winning a pawn. After 1.Bh6, it is better for Black to lose the exchange than play 1…Rfd8? 2.Bxg7! with mating threats.
White to play and win
2-65: 1.Qh5+ g6 2.Nxg6 wins a pawn and more. Not 1…Kf8?? 2.Qf7#; 1…Ke7? 2.Ng6+ wins a rook because of the pin. If 1…Kd8? 2.Nf7+ is a family fork winning the queen.
Black to play and win
2-66: 1…a6 2.Ba4 Bd7 wins back the piece. This tricky pattern is very common. If 1…Bd7?, then 2.Nd4 saves everything. The idea of 1…a6 is to force the bishop to a square where the knight cannot guard it!
Black to play and win
2-67: 1…Bxb4 wins the bishop.