Knight and Pawn Forks Flashcards
Black to play and win
2-112: 1…e5 2.dxe5 dxe5 3.Bg3 e4 forks the knight and bishop and wins a piece for a pawn.
White to play and win
2-113: 1.Bb5 A pin forces the knight fork! That makes this a basic “combination” since it combines two or more motifs. 1…Qxb5 2.Nxc7+ Kd8 3.Nxb5 and White wins the queen no matter how Black plays.
Black to play and win
2-114: 1…d5 2.exd5 exd5 3.Bb3 d4 forks the bishop and knight.
Black to play and win
2-115: 1…Qe3+ 2.Kh1 Nf2+ But not 2…Qxg5? 3.Qxd3 and Black wins nothing. The text forks the queen and king and wins the exchange after 3.Rxf2 Qxf2.
White to play and win
2-116: 1.Ne7+ Rxe7 2. Rxd8+ The fork forces a removal of the guard, thus winning the exchange. Another combination.
White to play and win
2-117: 1.Nb5 Now 2. Nbc7 is a threatened mate, so Black cannot just play …Rb8 to save the fork. Therefore, 1…Qa5+ 2.Bd2 Qa4 3.Ndc7+ Kd8 4.Nxa8 captures the rook.
Black to play and win
2-118: 1…Nd5+ The pin allows the fork, winning the queen for a knight.
Black to play and win
2-119: 1…Qxc3 2.Qxc3 Ne2+ 3.Kh2 Nxc3 is an example of a pseudo-sacrifice. Black gives up his queen, but wins it back, netting a knight in the process.
White to play and win
2-120: 1.Ndb5+ is the easiest, as 1…axb5 2.Nxb5+ Kc6 3.Nxc7 wins the queen for two knights and White still has a devastating attack.
Black to play and win
2-121: 1…Nh3+ Again, the pin makes the fork work, winning the queen for a knight.
White to play and win
2-122: 1.Qxd5 Qxd5 2.Nc7+ Kd8 3.Nxd5 This is a common sacrificial pattern.
White to play and win
2-123: 1.d5 White wins a piece for a pawn.
White to play and win
2-124: 1.Bxf6 gxf6?? recapture, White wins a piece anyway, by sving his bishop on the next move. 2.Nxf6+ would win the queen.
Black to play and win
2-125: 1…Nbxd5+ 1…Nfxd5+ is equally good. 2.cxd5 Nxd5+ 3.Kd2 Nxc3 wins the queen.
White to play and win
2-126: 1.Nf6+ A pin allows an easy knight fork winning the queen.
Black to play and win
2-127: 1…Qxa1 1…Nc2+ 2.Qxc2 Qxa1+ 3.Qc1 only wins the exchange and leaves White a little worse. 2.Qxa1 Nc2+ 3.Kd1 Nxa1 wins a full rook.
White to play and win
2-128: 1.Nxc7+ Kd8 2.Qxe7+ Kxe7 3.Nxa8 The pin of the black queen on the first move allows the knight to safely get to c7 and then, once the white queen is safely tradd off, to capture the rook.
Black to play
2-129: 1…g5 and black wins a piece. Black is happy to win the piece at the price of weakening his kingside.