Double Attacks Flashcards
Black to play and win
2-91: 1…Nxg5 2.Nxg5 Qa5+ wins the knight on g5. 1…Qa5+? is not as accurate because of the attraction theme 2.b4!, only losing a pawn.
White to play and win
2-92: 1.Rxa8+ Bxa8 2.Rd8+ wins the bishop.
White to play and win
2-93: 1.Bf3 Qxg5 1…Bg4 2.Bxg1 (Count!!) 2…Bxd1 3.Bxc6+ 2.Bxc6+ Bd7 3. Bxa8 wins a rook.
White to play and win
2-94: 1.Rh4+ Nxf2+ 2.Ke2 wins a piece.
Black to play and win
2-95: 1…Nxd3 2.Rxd3 2.Kf3 Nc5 wins another pawn. 2…Bxe4+ wins.
White to play and win
2-96: 1.Qa4+ wins the bishop on b4.
White to play and win
2-97: 1.Rd8+ wins the queen.
Black to play and win
2-98: 1…Rf4 2.Qxc6 Bxf7 wins the bishop. Black can also win the piece with 2…R4xf7 3.Rxf7 (3.Qxg6? Rxd7) 3…Bxf7.
Black to play and win
2-99: 1…Bd4 wins a knight. This is also a common tactical pattern for White in the Ruy Lopez opening with colors reversed.
Black to play and win
2-100: 1…Qa5+ wins the bishop.
White to play and win
2-101: 1.Qa4+ But not 1.Qe2+, when 1…Qe7 saves the knight through the pin. 1…c6 1…b5 2.Qxb5+. 2.Qxc4 wins the knight.
White to play and win
2-102: 1.Bd2 double attacks the bishop on a1 and the knight on a5, thus White gets two pieces for the rook.
White to play and win
2-103: 1.f3 and two black pieces are attacked by pawns, so one of them is lost.
Black to play and win
2-104: 1…Qc5+ 2.Nd4 Or 2.Kf3 Qxb5. 2…Qxd4+ wins the knight. Note 2…Qxd4 is slightly better than 2…Nxd4, since Black is now ahead a piece and wants to force the trade of queens.
Black to play and win
2-105: 1…Qxe4+ 2.Be3 Qxg6 wins the knight, but not 1…hxg6?? 2.Qxh8 winning the exchange, because the black h-pawn was pinned.
Black to play and win
2-106: 1…Qa5+ attacks the king and the white bishop on e5. 2.Kc1 Qxe5.
White to play and win
2-107: 1.Bxg5 hxg5 2.Qxg5+ Kh7 3.Qxf6 wins back the piece with two pawns interest.
Black to play and win
2-108: 1…Qe3+ 2.Kh1 Qxg5 wins the white knight.
White to play and win back his pawn
2-109: 1.Qg4 hits the e-pawn and the g-pawn.
Black to play and win a pawn
2-110: 1…Nxe5 2.fxe5 Qd4+ wins a pawn. Or 1…Qd4+ first.
White to play and win a pawn
2-111: 1.Qe6 attacks the knight and the e-pawn.