Pierce-Cuba-Ostend Manifesto Flashcards
1853: date
Gadsden Purchase
American-sponsored filibuster expedition attempted to overthrow Spanish Cuban government. Failed
Who planned a second expedition into Cuba?
Mississippi’s former senator John Quitman in 1853-4
Quitman’s expedition:
- American volunteers
- Contact with Cuban rebels
When was Quitman expedition authorised by Pierce?
July 1853
Why did Pierce force Quitman to cancel his expedition?
Northern opinion
How much did Pierce offer Spain for cuba?
$130 million
Who was the US minister in Spain?
Pierre Soule
Who issued the Ostend Manifesto?
US ministers to:
- Britain (Buchanan)
- France (Mason)
- Spain (Soule)
Met in Belgium
October 1854
Ostend Manifesto:
‘Cuba ‘is as necessary to the North American Republic as any of its present members’.
If Spain refused to sell, USA would be ‘justified in wresting it from Spain’.
Results of the Ostend Manifesto:
- Contents leaked and denounced by Northern politicians.
- Pierce repudiated the Manifesto
- Soule resigned
- Unsuccessful expansionist efforts angered north who believed that South aspired to create a Latin American slave empire.