Bleeding Kansas Flashcards
Who was William Henry Seward?
- From a slave owning farming family in New York.
- Lawyer and elected governor of New York
- First spoke out against slavery in 1839.
- Became a Whig then Republican in 1856
- Ran for party leader but was beaten by Lincoln
How did William Henry Seward cause Bleeding Kansas?
Argued that ‘we will engage in competition for virgin soil of Kansas’
When did Northerners begin moving to Kansas and how?
April 1854, Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society.
Why did violence break out between pro-slavery groups and free soilers?
- Limited law enforcement in frontier area.
John Brown’s role in Bleeding Kansas?
He was an abolitionist and decided to bring his large family to Kansas.
- Pro-slavers attacked Lawrence
- Took revenge at Pottawatomie Creek.
- Involved in small squirmishes at Palmyra and Osawatomie.
- Established links between different groups.
- Apart of raid on federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry October 1859.
- Tried and hung in Virginia.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
May 1854
First territorial legislature elections
November 1854
What happened at first Territorial Legislature elections?
- Accusations of electoral fraud by influx of pro slavery men from Missouri
- Abolitionists brought in arms (so called ‘Beecher’s Bibles’ as arms were disguised as shipments of religious works.
After the murder of a free state settler, violence intensified?
November 1855
December 1855
- Pro-slave forces besieged the free state town of Lawrence but the governor established a peaceful settlement.
- Free state settlers met as Topeka to draw up an anti-slavery constitution, which was not accepted by pro slave forces
Pro-slave forced attacked Lawrence (sacking the town)?
21 May 1856
22 May 1856
Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner condemned the violence and was caned in the senate by South Caroline senator Preston Brooks, and nearly died.
Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
- 25 May 1856
- 5 pro-slavery men killed
500 troops forced the dispersal of Free Trade legislature.
July 1856
Large-scale clashes between pro- and anti-slavery armed groups at Osawatomie?
August 1856
Who introduced Lecompton Constitution?
Lecompton Constitution?
- Denounced unrepresentative by Douglas
- President Buchanan supported it
- Introduced October 1857
When was the Lecompton Constitution rejected in popular vote?
- May 1858
What did Free slave groups introduce after Lecompton Constitution?
Leavenworth Constitution
Free soil constitution introduced in October 1859?
Wyandotte Constitution
When did Kansas enter Union as a free state?
January 1861
What were the consequences of Kansas joining Union?
7 slave states withdrew from Congress.
John Brown’s raid date?
October 1859
What were the hopeful numbers for John Brown’s raid?
- 16 white men
- 5 African Americans
- 4000 men
How did John Brown gather arms?
- Raided a federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia.
What was the first raid in October 1859?
- Free black railway official on a train stopped by Brown’s followers.
- Driver warned nearby Virginians of the attempted revolt.
Death rate of John Brown’s raid?
14 people died. 10/21 of John Brown’s men