Mexican-American War Flashcards
Date of Mexican secession?
Date of Texas annexation?
Who led the Mexican American war?
President James Polk (slave owner)
Historian Haynes opinion on Polk’s motivation for the war?
Historian Haynes has identified Polk as a “fitting representative” of the “expansionist impulse” known as Manifest Destiny.
Examples of people against the war?
American Peace Society
American Anti-Slavery Society
James Russell Lowell wrote poem ‘The Present Crisis’
How many soldiers died/injured at Rio Grande River? How did Polk react? When?
16 –> ‘American blood on American soil’
May 1846
What were Polk’s election promises?
- Treasury
- Remove tariffs
- Oregon from Britain
- California
- Mexico / Texas
What was the slogan for the Mexican American War?
‘54,40 or fight’
Opinion of Ralph Waldo Emerson, US author and philosopher?
‘The United States will conqueror Mexico but […] Mexico will poison us.’
When did Mexico pass a law to free slaves?
What occurred when Texans ignored the 1829 law to abolish slavery in Mexico?
- President Jackson offered no aid
- Southerners (ordinary men) arrived to help.
Which presidents avoided controversy surrounding Texas annexation?
Martin Van Buren + Jackson
How much did the Mexican American war cost?
$100 million
(13,000 American soldiers dead)
Terms of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
- Mexico ceded 55% of Mexican territory to America
- US government paid Mexico $15 million
Who was pleased / displeased with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
- North
- South
- Polk
When was the Mexican-American War?
Date of Wilmot Proviso?
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
An amendment added to a finance bill which would exclude slavery from any of the land gained from Mexico.
Who resented the Wilmot Proviso?
Northern Democrats (it was a party distinction and not a land one)
How was it clear that Polk was not following his appeals to North in the election?
USA only owned above 49th parallel in Oregon.
Votes for Wilmot Proviso in House of Representatives?
83 - 64
All southerners (except 2 Whigs) voted against.
Most Northerners voted for.
Why was Wilmot Proviso not passed in Senate?
Representation of all states equally. Some northerners did not want to end slavery.
Consequences of Wilmot Proviso?
10 new free states created.
What was Wilmot’s party?
1848 election?
While Whigs provided no platform for slavery, Zachary Taylor was a slave owner.
- Polk decided not to run for a 2nd term
Free soil party
Who were the free soil party?
- Northern democrats alarmed by southern dominance
- ‘Conscience’ Whigs who had no intention of running for slave-owner
- Liberal Party supporters
- Wilmot Proviso
- Van Buren was nominated
Who won 1848 election?
- 47.5% of votes
- 127 electoral college votes
- 42.5% of votes
- 127 electoral college votes
Van Buren:
- 10% of votes
- No electoral seats
Taylor’s policies?
1949 - Free California applied to join union
He supported New Mexico over Texas.
Calhoun’s policy Feb 1847
Launched his ‘Platform of the South’
- Slave owners could take their ‘property’ where they wanted
- If North opposed South threatened to cede.
States that joined union after Missouri Compromise with no tension?
- Arkansas (1836)
- Michigan (1837)
O’Sullivan’s prediction for the future of America?
Population of 250 million in 100 years
Who was the military leader in California?
Who was the military leader in New Mexico?
Where did Kearny occupy in modern New Mexico?
Santa Fe (no shots fired)
Who defeated San Anna at Battle of Buena Vista?
What did Polk do after San Anna’s defeat?
Ordered General Scott to march American Forces into Mexico City. Could have annexed the whole of Mexico.