Picture Deck (of butts) Flashcards
What this is? What it do?

Nucleus Accumbens: Reward, addiction, and reinforcement pathway (involved in addiction pathologies)
This is the ________ and it is located in the ________.
It contains the _________ and is the relay between the nucleus accumbens to the dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus

Ventral Pallidum, Substantia Innominata, Basal Nucleus of Meynert
This is the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, which influences sleep, arousal, and autonomic function. The drug class that affects it is: \_\_\_\_\_\_

locus ceruleus, SNRIs
This is the ____________ which modulates the limbic loop through the __________.
It influences the mesolimbic reward pathway through the __________.

ventral tegmental area (VTA), basal nuclei, Nucleus Accumbens
This is the _________ and it receieves input from the __________.
The clinical sign of damage to this area is _________.

septal nuclei, VTA, sham rage
This is the ______________

Hippocampal formation
This is the ____________. Name the blanked-out parts

hippocampal formation (memory consolidation)
This is an image depicting ____________

bilateral damage to the hippocampal formation (subject H.M. with total anterograde amnesia)
These are coronal images of the __________ from anterior to posterior

The yellow dots mark the location of the _______ in this sagital image

fornix (part of papez circuit that projects back to the entorhinal cortex)
This is an image of the __________.

Efferent portion of papez circuit, 1: anterior thalamic nucleus, 2: mamillothalamic tract, 3: Medial mammillary nucleus
This is a coronal image of the ___________.
The black line is the: ________
The light blue line is the _________
The dark blue line is the _________
The green area is the __________

hippocampal formation,
dentate gyrus,
hippocampus proper,
entorhinal cortex
The yellow arrow points to the __________

cingulate gyrus
Blue =
Green =
Yellow =
Red =

blue: memory input
green: conscious feeling
yellow: physiological expression
red: sensory input
The arrows in these images point to the mamillary nuclei
The left images are from a person with _________, while the images on the right are of a person with _________

no disease, Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome

1 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, this structure \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, this structure\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

1: piriform cortex, covers the amygdala
2. entorhinal cortex, covers the hippocampal formation