Piagets Cognitive Dev Theory Flashcards
Jean Piaget years and study?
1896-1980 , Philosophy
What was his theory?
- Qualitative (Discontinuous through stages)
- Active learners (interaction between student and environment
- Universal
What was “little scientists”?
Had children generate hypothesis, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions.
Underlying structure to diversity for infants? (Schemes)
- Repeatable
- Generalizable
Underlying structure to diversity for older children?
mental operations
- Logicomathematical
- General
Organized patterns of behavior which reflect a particular way of interacting with the environment.
-Biological influence-
Process by which people add incoming information into concepts they already understand
-Biological influence-
Process by which people adapt their current understandings in response to new information.
Piagets 4 stages are? (Universal sequene of stages)
- Sensorimotor
- Preoperational
- Concrete operations
- Formal operations
Sensorimotor period is when?
0-2 years
Sensorimotor period
-Modification of reflexes is when?
Sensorimotor period
-Primary circular reactions is when?
Sensorimotor period
-Secondary cirular reactions is when?
Sensorimotor period
-Coordination of secondary reactions is when?
Sensorimotor period
-Tertiary circular reactions is when?
Internalization of schemes is when?
Modification of reflexes is? and when?
Schemes/reflexes included
Reflexes- wired in responses that are triggered by certain stimuli
Schemes- organized patterns of behavior which reflect a particular way of interacting with the enviorment
Ex. Sucking example
Primary circular reaction is? and when?
A behavior that is repeated over and over again and thus becomes circular.
Secondary circular reactions and when?
Oriented to the external world, focus on the environmental consequences .
Ex. Shaking a rattle, a noise is produced
Coordination of secondary circular reactions is? and when?
- Infants begin to achieve their goals
- Planning and coordinate schemes
- Use of objects
Tertiary circular reactions is and when?
- Deliberate experiments on the environment
- Trial and error exploration
Internalization of schemes (Beginnings of thought) what and when?
-Use of mental symbols to represent objects & events
Overview of the sensorimotor period? 0-2years
- Child learns about properties of objects
- Behavior becomes more intentional
Object permanence?
-Objects exists even when one cannot see, hear or feel it (out of sight > out of mind)
Stage 1 of object permanence?
Infant does not search for object
Stage 2 of object permanence?
Search for object only if partially hidden
Stage 3 of object permanence?
Children have skills needed to look for hidden objects, persists in searching where previously searched
Stage 4 of object permanence?
Children search for objects after several displacements, only if visible
Stage 5 of object permanence?
Children can represent objects mentally
Mental representation?
Understanding that one thing stands for another
Pre-operational period is?
Children begin to use symbols, language and develop make believe play, but thinking lacks logical qualities
When is pre-operational period?
2-7 years of age
Characteristics of pre-operational period?
- Egocentrism
- Semi-logical reasoning
- Limited social cognition
Semiotic function? (Symbolic function) PreOP
Ability to use a mental symbol, word, or an object to represent something that is not physically present
Symbols? PreOP
Bear some similarity to the objects or events they stand for . EX. using a cloth as a pillow
Signs? PreOP
Arbitrarily related to certain events or objects. Ex. the word table and the four-legged object
3 reasons we know in pre-op
1) Delayed imitation
2) Pretend play
3) Drawing
Egocentrism? PreOP
Don’t know that others have a point of view
Verbal egocentrism? PreOP
Speech. Conversation between two pre-operational children
Visual egocentrism? PreOP
Perspective talking. Three-mountain task
3 mountain task. How old to see PreOP
Children under 6 choose the picture that shows what they see
Rigidity of thought? PreOP
Children’s thinking is rigid and inflexible. Not organized into a reversible system
Centration? PreOP
Focus on one aspect of reality while ignoring other features
Conservation? PreOP
Certain physical aspects of object remain the same even when outward appearance changes
Hierarchical classification? PreOP
Organize classes and subclasses based on group similarities/differences
Focus on appearance and reality? PreOP
Cannot think of appearance and reality of objects simultaneously. Focus on one or the other.
Semi-logical reasoning ? PreOP
Children tend to combine ideas
Animistic reasoning? PreOP
Giving humanlike properties to inanimate objects
Limited social cognition? PreOP
Children’s thought of different social situations.
Ex. Pre-operational child judges a situation based on external variables, not considering internal variables (person’s intention)
Concrete Operations Stage is when? CO
7-12 years of age
Concrete operations is? CO
- Children acquire logical structures, such as adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying.
- Representations are no longer rigid
Operations is? CO
Organized, formal, logical mental processes
Ex. Reversibility, adding/subtracting
Conservation is? CO
Understanding that certain aspects of situation remain the same, in spite of changes to it.
What two mental operations allow children to “conserve”
Decentration and reversibility
Decentration is? CO
Understanding that theres multiple dimensions to an object or event
Reversibility is? CO
Understanding that logical actions may be reversed.
What are Piagets 3 steps of conservation? CO
1) Absence of conservation
2) Intermediary reactions
3) Necessary Conservation
Absence of conservation?
Child thinks normal of quanity of liquid to vary according to form and dimensions of container (pre-operational stage)
Intermediary reactions?
Conservation slightly there
Necessary conservations?
Child postulates conservation
Class inclusion? CO (Classification)
The concept that subcategories are part of a broader category.
Hierarchical classification? CO (Classification)
Organization of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities/differences between the groups
Class inclusion? CO (Classification)
The concept that subcategories are part of a broader category.
Hierarchical classification? CO (Classification)
Organization of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities/differences between the groups
Seriation is? CO
Putting things in order based off certain dimensions
Temporal spatial representations ?
Children’s perception are influenced by the larger context instead of the immediate surroundings.
How long does formal operations stage last?
12-15 years of age
Formal operations have what type of reasoning?
Abstract and scientific reasoning
Concrete Op vs Formal Op?
Concrete Op- applied to objects and events
Formal Op- used to generate hypothesis about logical relations
Propositional thought is? FO
Evaluate the logic of verbal statements without referring to real-life circumstances (Verbal reasoning without abstract concepts)
Internal reflection is? FO
Insight about alternative views
Imaginary audience is? FO
Belief that they are the focus of everyone else’s attention. (Self-conscious = sensitive to public criticism)
Personal fable is? FO
Belief that they are special and unique
Name 3 critiques of Piagets theory.
1) Small sample
2) Children’s ability not as limited
3) No account for social context
New borns orient to sounds if ? (3 things)
- Held properly
- Sounds not too intense
- Sound not too short
At what age are infants “Visual-tactile”
At what age are infants “Auditory visual”
When does full object permanence occur?
What is object permanence?
Objects exist independently of ones perception of them and action on them
When do infants start searching for object?
Example of non-search test?
Violation of expectation method
Habituation is?
Presenting info to infant to point where they become bored with it
3 Problems in research
1) Researchers ignorance
2) Culturally insensitive tests
3) Poor estimate of age
Researchers ignorance is?
Investigators not proficient in the subjects language and culture
Culturally insensitive tests is?
Investigators try to standardize Piagets conservation tasks and treat them as performance tests
Poor estimate of age is?
Subjects ages are determined through approximation as there are no available birth dates