Physiology of mastication, swallowing and GI tract motility Flashcards
What are the 4 basic digestive processes?
Motility, secretion, digestion and absorption
Describe the motility of the GI tract.
Mechanical activity mostly involving smooth muscle (although the muscle is skeletal at the mouth, pharynx, upper oesophagus and external anal sphincter).
It consists of Propulsive movement, mixing movements and tonic contractions.
Describe the secretion process in the GI tract.
What do digestive secretions contain?
Secretion occurs into the lumen of the digestive tract from the digestive tract and accessory structures in response to hormonal and neuronal signals. It is required for digestion and protection.
Digestive secretions contain water (a large volume extracted from plasma), electrolytes and organic compounds (e.g bile salts, enzymes, mucous etc).
What is digestion?
The biochemical breakdown (or enzymatic hydrolysis) of complex foodstuffs into smaller, absorbable units.
What is absorption?
The transfer of absorbable products of digestion (with water, electrolytes and vitamins) from the digestive tract to the blood or lymph. (products of digestion are initially absorbed into enteric cells, and then either the bloodstream or the lymph in the case of some fats).
Describe the structure of the digestive tract wall.
Mucosa: Epithelial cells for absorption
Exocrine cells which secrete digestive juices
Endocrine gland cells which secrete hormones
Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosa
Submucosa: Connective tissue
Blood and lymph vessels
Submucosal plexus
Muscularis externa: Circular muscle
Myenteric plexus
Longitudinal muscle
Serosa: connective tissue
Which reflexes mediate chewing?
Masseteric and diagastric
What is the function of chewing?
- It breaks down the food and mixes it with the saliva
- Stimulates taste buds
- Stimulation of taste buds triggers reflexes which increases salivary, gastric, pancreatic and bile secretion.
What is the function of the palate?
It separates the mouth from the nasal passages and allows chewing and breathing to occur simultaneously.
What is the function of the uvula?
It helps seal of nasal passages during swallowing.
Name the 3 major pairs of salivary glands, and state what proportion of saliva comes from each.
Parotid- 25%
Submandibular -70%
Sublingual - 5%
What are the functions of saliva?
Solvent: important for taste
Antibacterial: Contains lysozyme, lactoferrin (starves bacteria of iron) and immunoglobulins. This is important in preventing dental caries.
Lubricant: Important for swallowing and speech
Digestion of complex carbohydrates: contains amylase
Neutralisation of acid: contains bicarbonate
Facilitates sucking by infants : creates a fluid seal
Name a condition in there is limited saliva production and the patient develops dental caries.
What are the two stages of saliva formation and where do they occur?
Primary secretion - by the acinus
Secondary modification - by duct cells
What happens in primary secretion by the acinus?
Cells produce a primary secretion with Na, K, Cl and HCO3 content similar to plasma.
What happens in secondary modification of saliva by the duct cells?
Why is there a diluting effect?
Cells modify the secretion by removing Na and Cl and to a lesser extent adding K and HCO3.
The duct cells are impermeable to water, and more ions are removed than are added, so there is a diluting effect.
What compound is required for saliva production?
What is the rate of saliva production when we are a) sleeping, b) awake by resting and c) actively salivating?
a) 0.05 ml /min
b) 0.5 ml/min
c) 5 ml/min
Describe the composition of saliva, and how it changes with flow rate.
The NaCl content of saliva is much lower than that of plasma, which perhaps explains why we can detect a salty taste.
The bicarbonate content increases as flow rate increases, and decreases as flow rate decreases.
There is no glucose in saliva, which may explain why we can detect a sweet taste.
Give an overview of the reflex regulation of saliva production.
This is the neuronal control of saliva production.
There is the simple, unconditioned reflex and the acquired, conditioned reflex.
Describe the simple, unconditioned reflex which regulates saliva production.
chemoreceptors and pressure receptors in the mouth are activated by the presence of food or another stimulus, impulses are then sent via afferent nerves to the salivary centre in the medulla. This sends out impulses via external autonomic nerves (both sympathetic and parasympathetic) to increase the production of saliva in the salivary glands.
Describe the acquired, conditioned reflex which regulates saliva production.
Thinking about, smelling or seeing an appetising dish causes the cerebral cortex to send impulses to the salivary centre in the medulla. This then sends impulses via external autonomic (both sympathetic and parasympathetic) nerves, to increase the production of saliva.
Describe the role of the autonomic nerves in the production of saliva.
Parasympathetic stimulation has the dominant role in normal saliva production.
Impulses travel via glossopharyngeal and facial nerves to produce a large volume of watery, enzyme rich saliva. This is mediated by M3 muscarinic receptors.
Sympathetic stimulation is dominant at stressful times (e.g. we have a dry mouth when nervous).
Impulses travel via postganglionic nerves from superior cervical ganglia to produce a small volume of thick, mucous rich saliva. This is mediated by Beta 1 adrenoceptors.
What is another word for swallowing?