Physiology of Bones Flashcards
Smooth, continuous solid bone
Bone with narrow irregular bars
Bone with a diaphysis and epiphysis
Long Bone
The shaft of long bone, is compact bone and has a medullary cavity
The bulbous end of long bones, compact bone surrounds
The two components of the ephiphysis
Articular Cartilage
Epiphyseal Line
Articular cartilage of the epiphsys is made of
The old growth plate of the ephiphysis is the
Hyaline Cartilage
Ephiphyseal Line
The membrane of bone that is the outside covering, it contains osteogenic cells
The membrane of bone that is the inside lining of medullary cavity and spongy bone, it also contains osteogenic cells
In flat bones, the spongy bone is called
Areas where blood formation occurs in bone. In adults this is generally within the trabecular
cavities of select long bones and diploë of flat bones
Red Marrow
In infants, the medullary cavity also contains red
marrow, but by the time adulthood is reached, this
area turns to fat and is referred to as
Yellow Marrow
The structural unit of compact bone that is a cylinder of bone
The concentric layers of compact bone that form an osteon
The central canal of the osteon in compact bone
Haversian Canal
The transverse canals of osteon in compact bone
Volkmann Canal
A mature bone cell
Cavities in compact bone that contain contain osteocytes
These connect lacunae and Haversion canals
The lamellae is between osteons
Interstitiala lamellae
This lamellae encircles the whole bone
Circumferential Lamellae