Physiology (Cardio 2) Flashcards
Overall takeawayes
- Circulatory system exhanges substances between the blood and the tissue
- Blood gives things to tissie and tossie puts waste into blood
- Arterioles control regulate blood flow
- Capilaries regulate exchange
What is the blood composed of
Overall - Plasma + Hemocrit
1. Proteins (Albumin, Globulin, Fibrogin)
- Albumin = most abdinent (comes from the liver)
- Globulin = comes from the immune system
2. Water (Water + ions + nutrients)
3. Hemocrit - cells (RBCs, WBCs, Platlets)
- RBCs = most abduent
- When spin down blood the cells go to the bottom)
Plasma = proteins + water
Garden hose analogy
The pressure the hose delivers to force wtaer out is based on:
1. How much flow
2. How narrow the tuve is
IF squeeze the hole = water goes faster = goes faster as you increase the resistance???
Hemodynamics (Pressure equation)
Pressue of blood vessel = Flow X Resistence
- Flow = pump = heart –> when heart squeezes you get cardiac output
- Resistence = Blood vessels dialating
dP = Flow (q) X resistence (R)
Cardiac output
Cardiac output = flow –> Cardiac output = stroke volume X herat rate
CO – heart squeezes and relaxes
- Squeezes once per second ; squeeze 100 mL –> squeeze 10 times = squeeze 1 mL
Normal cardiac output
Cardiac output is usuallly 4 Liters/minutae
Normal flow = 4 liters/minute
Pumps and circuts in the body
There are two pumps and two circuts in the body
- Heart
- Pulomary
BOTH = dP = flow (flow = Cardiac output) X resistence –> dBP = CO X systemic vascular resistice
- Pressure in lungs = flow X resistnce
AND dbP = Flow X Pulimary vascular resistence –> dBP = Cardiac output X Pulimary vascular resistnce
Cardiac output and systemic vascular resistnce –> lead to blood pressure
Stroke volume
How much volume per stroke
CO = How much volume per stroke X how many strokes
- Heart beats fast = higher Cardiac output
- Heart is good at squeezing = higher cardiac output ; Bad at squeezing = lower cardiac output
BP equation
BP = Cardiac output X resistnce –> dBP = Cardiac output X Systemic vacular resstnce
Cardiac output = deterined by heart squeezing per minute
ALL together stroke vlume, CO, Resistnce, Blood pressure
Stroke volume and Heart rate –> gives cardiac Output
Cardiac output and systemic vascular resistice –> gives Blood pressure
Anatmy of the cardiovascular system (overall)
- Heart
- Pulminary circulation
- Systemic circulation
Heart Pumps
Heart = has two pumps (one on the left and one on the right)
- right = pumps blood to the lungs
- Left = pumps blood to the body
Heart division
Heart = 2 Sides
- Blue = dosxyganted blood going to the lungs
- red = oxygenicated blood going to the body
Image: Right side = red blood –> going to the body –> blood turns to blue because th body uses teh oxygen –> deoxygnated blood goes to the heart –> blood go to the lung to get reoxugented
Pulminary circulation
Pulminary circulation:
- Has blood flow
- has gas exchnage (Exchanges CO2 and O2)
- Uses hemoglobin
See in image in the left side - blood with CO2 goes to the lungs - the CO2 is exchnaged for O2 in the lungs - O2 rich blood goes back to the heart –> blood goes to the body
Systemic Circulation
Oxygeated blood going from the heart to the tissues (red blood goes to the body) –> tissues use the oxygen –> deioxygenated (blue) blood goes back to the heart
What carries oxygen in the blood
Hemoglobin (carrier of has that will be exchnaged)
O2 dissolves in water at low levels –> BUT binds to hemoglobin at higher levels = hemoglobin carries O2
Pulminary Circulation (image 2)
Blue = goes to the lungs –> gets O2 –> now have red blood with O2
Oxygen exchange in the lungs
Overall - O2 exchnage happens in the capilary
O2 enters the aveoli (because have O2 in air???) –> O2 diffuses across averoli and goe sto cells –> Cells go to the body
Systemic Circulation
1. Blood flow
2. Oxygenation
3. Hemoglobin
Oxygenated (red) blood goes to the body –> blood goes to the tissues –> tissue puts waste into the blood + O2 is unloaded from the hemaglobin in blood –> blood goes back to the heart
O2 movment overall
O2 is in the air –> O2 goe sinto the lungs –> O2 goes inot the blood –> Blood gives O2 to the peripheral tissue
Blood vessel histology
Blood vessels all have 3 layers:
1. Intima - Single layer of endothelial cells
- Has internal elastic lamina
2. Media - Smooth muscle cells
- Middle layer of vessel wall
- External elastic lamina
- Arteries = have a big media layer ; veins are weeker = have a smaller media layer
3. Adentitia - Smooth muscle cells + connective tissue + ECM
Atery cross histology cross-section
Intima - single layer of endothelial cells on inside
Media - large layer of smoooth muscle
Adventia - on the outside
Circulatory Vasculator
Arteries + capilares + veins –> bring blood to the heart and blood from the heart to the lungs
Arteries function
Arteries send blood to the periphery
Pressure change in different vessels
Biggest drop in systemic pressure is across arterioles
- Blood pressure drops for smaller vessels
- As you go form Aorta –> Arteries –> arterioles = getting smaller vesells BUT capilaries to venuals to veins the vessels get bigger
Capilaries - Thin walled vessels with pores
- Pores = allow for diffusion
Arteries regulate blood flow into the capilaries
Have diffision across capilary (Capilary = where exchange occurs)
- Difusion of water + ions + nutrients (Ex. glucose) + gasses (CO2 and O2) + Small proteins
Capilary structure
Capilaries = connect arteries and veins –> can have an exchnage of substances across capilaries
- Example - put O2 from artery (oxygenated) blood to deoxygenated vein blood
Forces in the Capilaries
- Hydrostatic pressire - pushes fluid out of the capilary (Put water out of the capilary)
- Oncatic pressure - Water going into the capilary
- Water goes up the concetration gradient (Going towards area of high solutes)
As the water leaves the capilary due to hydrostatic pressire - you have an increase in concetration of the protein in the capailary (because les diliuted form the water) –> water goes in towards the region of high portein concetratio (goes into the capilary)
Different forces in different areas of the capilary
Start of the capilary = have hydrostatic pressure = water goes out of the capilary –> end of the capilary have oncatic pressure (water goes in)
Starlings law - fluid movement = k[Pc+Pii] - (Pi + PiC)
Hydristatic vs. Oncotic pressure
Hydrostatic = Tissue Pi and capilary Pc
- Start of the capilary = lost of pressure to get the fluid out
Oncotic = Tissie Pii and Capipary PiC
- End of the capilary = high oncotic pressire –> fluid goes into the capilary