Anatomy #7 (Urinary) Flashcards
Unrinary system (Overall)
Eliminate Cellular waste
- Waste goes to extracellar space –> needs to be eliminated
Kidney Funtion
- Remove Waste
- Blood Pressure
- Plasma Volume
- Detoxify Blood
- Ex. Ibeprofin is filtered by the Kidney vs. Aceptometaphoc is filtered by the Lver
- balance pH
- Maintain Homeostasis
Mixing Cold Medicine and Aceptometahin
Don’t want to mix because teh cold medictaion often has Acetometahin –> if you take both them you can be atking too much Acetometaphin
Understanding of Kidney’s over time
Our understanding of kidneys over time has changed the idea of death
Before - Kidney failure was a death sentance –> person always dies
- Kidney function was a marker of death
BUT this chnaged with dialysis = changed the idea of death
Urinary System
Uses 2 Kidneys + great vessels Acending Inferior Vena cava + Aorta behind the renal artery) + Renal arteries
Renal Arteries
Go to the kidney - each kidney gets 1 renla artery
Renal artery = comes off the aorta
- Renal aretry is very large - because the Kidney is very well profuseed (Kidney gets 1/3 of teh cardiac output at any given) time
Renal vein = infront of the renal artery
Comes from the hylum –> go to behiind the peretineum at the base of the pelvice –> go to behind the bladder –> intersect and perferate the bowl
Function - Conduits for collecting urine
Image - white lines)
Vessels in the Kideny
Vessels go inot the hylum in Kideney (where eveyrthing goes in in)
Bladder location
Behind Pubic synthesis
Kidneys (overall)
Location - Between the 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertabra (Low in the body - Just above the hips)
Left is usually higher and longer
Prefix for Kidneys
Nephro and Renal –> both meaning having to do with the Kidneys
Kidney Transplanst
1950 = First successful Kidney transplant –> IMPORTANT because begore kidney failure meant the person would die (changed idea of death)
- Transplants are usually unilateral
- Can leave the old kidney in if it is not an issue
Around when Kidney trasnoplant was made - dialysis was also made (1940s)
No Kidney function = can’t maintain life (more delayed than brain but can’t stay alive) UNTIL dialysis and transplants
Where do you transplant in a new kidney
You usually put the new kidney into the abdominal pouch in the lower abdomen
1. The kidneys are very deep and you would have to get to the kidneys if you were to implant them where the old kidneys are
- It is safer to put the kidney in a place where you have access to the vessles (better to work with)
2. There is less space where the kidneys usally are
3. Surgeons often leave the old kidney in if it is not causing any issues
Overall: Does the filteration of the Kidney
Method for remving the blood –> blood goes to a machine with a serioes of fine filters –> Filters out the water of the blood –> Blood goes to the body
Need to make a fistula for dialysis –> expands the size of the vein = makes the vein easier to get into
- Alternative to fistula = put a port and a catherter –> stay as a port in the pateint to gte to the vessel
Done 2-3X per week for the rest of the person’s life
Use of dialysis
Done for pateints that are waiting for a kidney transplant or pateints that are not candidates for the trasnplates
New Form of dialysis
Peritenial Dialysis
Pump a diastele (fluid to pick up waste material) to periteneal cavity
Peritenium acts as a membrane to filter the waste - Waste will go through the peritenium to the peritenueal cavity by osmosis –> Fluid that you pumped in (Diastele) will pick up the waste –> Pump the diastel out and disgard it
- waste products being dumped into peritoneal cavity from vasculature in peritenium
Uses the memebrane in the body instead of membrane in machines
Can be done at home + lower infection rates
Right Kidney
Shorter and lower than the left Kidney –> due to the placement of the Liver
Liver is bigger on the right side = liver pushes the right kidney down
Movement of the Kidneys
Kidneys are not fixed to the posterior wall –> they are mobile
There is a fat pad around them = cushions the kidneys
Vessles tether the kidney to the body + the tightness of the packing of eveyrthing around the kdiney keeps them in
Gonadal veins
Image - thin blue lines - BOTH the gonadal veins –> supply and drain the testes + overies
- Right side goes to the left renal vein
- left side goes to the Inferior vena cava
- Red = gonald arteries - come off abdominal aorta
Big Mddle red thing = Artery coming off the Abdominal Aorta
Fat Around the Kidneys
Inside - Kidney –> renal capsul (like pia/viscera) –> Perirenal fat (thin inner layer of fat) –> Renal fassa –> Perrenal fat
- Kidneys - surounded by fat
Renal capsul = liek pia
Perirenal fat = Thin layer of Viseral fat
Renal fassa = Thin fossa outside the kidney (not strong ; wispy)
Perarenal Fat = fat that fills the space (blends into the structures aorund it)
- Viseral fat
- Creates cushion for kidneys
Image - also see the muscle of the back (behind the fat) + see the spinous process (black line in the middle at the bottom)
Viseral Fat
More dangerous form of fat to have
Dangerous to have too much
Improtant when people starve = lose the viseral fat = person becomes more vulnerable to injruy
Protection of the Kidney
Kidney is not well protected (not very deep in body)
Only protected by the fat + rib + muscle BUT the kidney is still vulnerable
Boxers (MMA)
See person kicking other guy – person being kicked likley had an injury to the kidney (especially because the kidney is NOT well protected)
Football players
NOT uncommon for football players to pee blood (espcially when the equipment was not well designed)
NOW they have kiney pads in equipments
Shape of the Kideney
10 cm long ; 5 cm wide ; 3 cm thick
Overall - Bean shape
- Can have a horse shoe kidney (kidney is conncted to the ismus) –> Kidney will usually still function normally
- Has 3 lobes fused together
- Inner borader = hylum = where the vessels come and go
Vessles going into kidneys
Kidneys get 20% of bodies blood flow = lots of blood go through kidneys = has important vessels
Left Kidney - artery comes in froy of vein (Left renal artery is infornt of vena cava) + vein is longer
Right Kidney - Vein sits in fornt of the artery ; artery is lonegr
1. Right/Legt renal veins = drains blood from kidney (drain to IVC)
2. Right/left renla artery (com eoff the aorta) = going into kidey
Importance of kidney
Kidney is a viral organ
if it fails the effect is not as immediate as the effect of the heart of teh brain failing BUt it is still important
1/3 of CO goes to the kidney
Renal Vessels
Renal Vessels are large –> lots of blood goes through
Branch off the big Red = Superuor mesonteric - sits on top of the left renal
- left renal = lower than the right because transverses the aorta
- Left artery come in from of vein ; right side stays behind the vein
Challenge of Kidney Transplants
Kidney transplants are usually straight foward because the vasculature of the kidney is mapped
Surgeon needs to watch for the vessles hat go form the aorta to the kidney
Renal glands are usually spared during kidney transplants
- In renal vein?
Lack of colateral circulation = good for surgery –> if removing kdiney for transplant or removing neoplasm = staright foward in terms of controling bleeding/having to ligate vessels
- Liagte arerty first - don’t want blood going into organ if there is no way to exit THEN ligate the vein AND take care of uriter AND contend with vessels going to adrenal gland –> After the kidney is free to remove
- BUT bad for trauma because if have issue with ciruclation in kidnney then you can’t rely on blood coming from somewhere else
Super renal vein/Adrenal vein
Goes into left renal vein – if want to miantain the adrenal gland = they need to reconnect the super renal vein somewhere or be carful to take right renal vein dustal to tributea