Histology #2 Flashcards
Dendritic Spins
Involoved in learning and memory
- Dynamic structure
Axon terminal = cinnects to dedritic spines
Image - Perkinjie nuerons
Segway from the brain to the spinal cord
CNS function vs. PNS function
CNS - Recives and processes sensory infomration + responds to sensory input with motor output
PNS functioon - Sense sensory to CNS + transmitts motor output from the brain to the muscles/glands
Autonomic vs. Somatic
Somatic - voletray movement
Automanic - involentray movement (Ex. breathing)
Types of cells in nervous systems
- Nurons
- Glial Cells
- Mylinating cells
Function processes signals (receives input or sends out commonas) + conduct AP
1. Motor (effernet) - control effctor organs
- Located in CNS
2. Sesory (afferent) - receive snesory information
- Cell body located in CNS or ganaglia
3. Projection nuerons - connects regions that are far away (located in CNS)
4. Iterneurons - creates circuts by connecting nuerns
- Can be inhibitor or excitatory
- Located in CNS or glanglia
Glial cells
Supoort and protect nuerons
- Froms mylin sheeth + removes cellular debris + structural support
- Don’t generate electrical impuluses
1. Astocytes
2. Satalite cells
3. Mylinating cells (Oligiodenricytes + Schwann cells)
4. Microglia
5. Ependymal cells
Located in CNS
Start shaped
Come in contact with capilaries - set up structure frameowrk in CNS (provide structural support)
Image - see branches that project + come into contaxt with capilaryes or nuerons
Satilited cell
Surround the cell bodies in the ganglia
Function - suport and protext nuerons
Image - Satilire cels surrounding teh cell body of teh nueron
CNS - uses Olgiodentries –> forms and maintains mylin sheeth aorund axons
- Can interact with several nerons
Image - oligiodenidtes forms myline sheeth of two nuerons
Shcwann cells
Surrounds one axon at a time
Image - see axon in center - myline sheeth is the thick black coating
- See shwan cells envelopes around the axon
Immune function in CNS (immune survalence)
- Only found in CNS
Reponde to site of danage or enjury + phagocytose debris + dying cells + immune survenlace
Image - see microglia stained in brown
Are glial cells mobile
Glial cells = can be mobiled (move aorund to pganocytes but teh structiral ones are more static
Immune system = mobile
Dedritic proccess = mobile
Ependlymal cell
Found as cuboidal or columnar epithelial cells
Forms a singe layer that line ventricles or central canal of the spinal cord
produces CSF in ventricles
Have cilia that prkect form apical memebrane - faclitates movement of CSF
Image -
Top = columnar
Bottom - crss section of ventricle - epdymal are cuboidal - have cilia coming out of epical memebrane
Common cell types in the Cerebrum
- Nueorns
- Nueroglial cells (Atrocytes + Oligiodendricytes + Microglia)
Have different types of nuerons divided based on functions or morphological patters
There are 5 tyoes of neurons in the cerebral cortext
Types of nuerons in the Cerebral cortex (Grey matter)
- Pyridmidal cells
- Fusiform cells
- Cells of Matinotti
- Horizontal cells of Cajal
- Stellate cells
Common cell types in Cerebrum (immage)
See -
White matter- atsrocyte + microglia + Oligiodendricyte + Axon
Grey Matter - Nueron + oligiodendricute + microglia + Astrocyte
Where are the protoplasmic astrocytes located
Protoplasmic astrocytes = located in grey matter
Oligiodendricytes + Microglia + Astrocytes = in both grey and white matter (but the astrocytes are different in grey vs. white)
Division of the Cerebellum
Cerebellar cortext (grey Matter) + white matter core
ALSO divided into two halves
Image - see the white matter core
Function of the cerebellum
Function - maintain balance + maintain equilibrium + controls volentary movements (fine and smooth movements) + cgnitive functions (Attention + language + memeory) + controls posture chnages (muscle tone)
Layers of teh cerebelum
- Molecular - nuerons are more dispersed
- Purkinnje layer
- Granual layer - niuerons are small and numerous and closley packed
Common cell types in cerebelum
- Nuerons (in cortxt)
- Nueronal glial cells (in cortext + white matter
- Astrocytes
- Oligiodendrytes
- Micorglia
There are 6 tyes of nuerons in the celebelum cortext
Types of nuerons in cerebelum cortext
There are 6 types of nuerons in the cerebelum cortext
1. Sallete cells + basketes cels (in moelcular layer)
2. Pukinjie cells (forms a layer)
3 Granual cells (smaller) + golgi cells (in granular layer)
4. Have unpolar brish cells = granual layer but primary floccunodular lobe and vermis
Some cells are inhibitory + some are exciatory (IN SLIDES)
Spinal cord
Column of nerves within the vertabra that goes from the Brainstem to the lumbar region
Function - communcates infomration form the PNS and the brain
Nuimver of nerves in the Spinal cord
8 Cervical nerves
12 Thoracies nerves
5 Sacral nerces
1. Cocygeal nerve
Total - 31 pairs of nerves
Function of Grey matter
Process infomration
Found in center of the spinal cord + in cerebral cortext