Physiological properties of the heart Flashcards
what is phase 0 a/v depolarisation
• Rapid depolarisation due to ↑ Na+ permeability (gNa+) as fast Na+ channels open
what is phase 1 a/v depolarisation
• Start of repolarisation as fast Na+ channels close
what is phase 2 a/v depolarisation
• Effect of Ca2+ entry via L-type channels
what is phase 3 a/v depolarisation
- Rapid repolarisation as ↑ [Ca2+]i stimulates K+ channels to open and gK+ ↑
- Ca2+ L-type channels close
what is phase 4 a/v depolarisation
• Stable resting membrane potential where gK+ exceeds gNa+ by 50:1
what is phase 1 SA Node depolarisation
• Gradual dri= ↑ in res>ng membrane poten>al due to ↑ gNa+ as “funny” F-type Na+ channels open and ↓ gK+ as K+ channels slowly close
• “Pacemaker potential”
• Transient (T) Ca2+ channels help with
the “final push”
what is phase 2 SA Node depolarisation
• Moderately rapid depolarisation due to Ca2+ entry via slow (L) channels
what is phase 3 SA Node depolarisation
• Rapid repolarisation as elevated internal Ca2+ stimulates opening of K+ channels and an ↑ in gK+
Sympathetic stimulation of pacemaker
– Noradrenaline acts on β1 receptors to ↑ cAMP production – Increases rate of SAN phase 1 depolarisation
• ↑ gCa2+
• ↑ gNa+ via “funny” channels
Parasympathetic stimulation of pacemaker
– Acetylcholine on M2 receptors which ↓ cAMP production – Reduces rate of phase 1 depolarisation
– Hyperpolarises membrane potential to lower starting level
• ↑ extent and dura>on of opening of K+ channels ↑ gK+
Sympathetic stimulation shows
positive chronotropic effect
Parasympathetic stimulation
shows negative chronotropic effect
why is SAN the intrinsic pacemaker
As SAN has the fastest rate, it is the intrinsic pacemaker
Depolarisation spreads from SAN throughout heart before other regions spontaneously depolarise
If conduction blocked, downstream tissues assume their intrinsic rate
when is the biggest delay in transmission
the biggest delay is when it passes AV node
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
– Measures electrical activity of the heart over time – Uses multiple electrodes
• Fouronthelimbs
– One is an “earth”, used to remove background noise
– Three used to create virtual “leads” between each pair of electrodes
• Six across the chest
– To give more specific, localised information about areas of the heart
trace traction
- Depolarisation moving towards the“positive”causes the trace to go up.
- Depolarisation moving away from the“positive” causes the trace to go down.
Size of electrical signals from the heart determined by:
– Current (proportional to tissue mass)
– Direction of signal
Observed signal =
E x CosƟ
E = Electrical event Ɵ = angle between event and ECG lead
P wave
– Atrial depolarisation
QRS wave
– Ventricular depolarisation
T wave
– Ventricular repolarisation
Important timing intervals
– P-R interval (0.12-0.2s)
– QRS complex width (0.06-0.12s)
– Q-T interval (0.25-0.35s)
flow anteriorly and medially, i.e. towards the left
flow anteriorly and inferiorly towards the apex
flow superiorly and towards the left
flow superiorly and to the right