Cardiac contractility and the events of the cardiac cycle Flashcards
what causes the opening of the L-type dihydropyridine channels
an AP:
- there is a large influx of [Ca2+]e (however this only 10% contributes to the contraction
- the cardiac muscle t-tubules are 5x greater in diameter than the sk. muscle t-tubules and therefore have 25x the volume
- the cardiac t-tubule mucopolysaccharides sequester Ca2+
what does DHP activation cause
release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic
reticulum via ryanodine release channels
what happens at resting heart rate
At res4ng heart rates, ↑[Ca2+]i due to influx and sarcoplasmic release is insufficient to cause maximal contractile force.
what role does sympathetic innervation play
– Throughout entire heart
– Positive inotropic effect
what is the tole of noradrenaline on Beta 1 receptors
– ↑[cAMP]i – Enhances Ca2+ influx - Promotes storage and release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic stores – ↑contractility – ↑speed of relaxation
what role does parasympathetic innervation play
– MostlytoSAnode
– Innervatesatria
– Main effect is↓rate
– Indirect -ve inotropic effect
Refractory period of the heart
Cardiac twitches involve all fibers of the myocardium
Can not significantly summate contractions of cardiac muscle
Refractory period due to inactivation of Na+ channels
skeletal muscle refractory period
– Absolute refractory period 1-2ms
– Period of contraction 20-100ms
cardiac muscle refractory period
– Absolute refractory period (ARP) ~245ms
– Relative refractory period (RRP)
– Period of supranormal excitability (SNP)
– Period of contraction 250ms
– Period of relaxation
– Period of contraction
Atria as primer pumps
– ~80% of ventricular filling is passive due to normal blood flow
– Atrial contraction ‘tops up’ remaining ~20% volume
Ventricles as pumps
– Isovolumic (isometric) period of contraction
– Period of rapid ejection (1/3) when 70% of stroke volume
– Period of slow ejection (2/3) when remaining 30% ejected
– Isovolumic (isometric) period of relaxation
Systolic blood pressure in the aorta and Diastolic blood pressure in the aorta
– ~120 mmHg
– ~80 mmHg
Pressure in pulmonary circulation is much lower
– Much less resistance to flow
– Right side of heart needs to do less work
– Right ventricle walls contain less muscle mass
Pulmonary systolic pressure and diastolic pressure
– ~30 mmHg
– ~12 mmHg
End systolic volume (ESV)
Volume in ventricle at the end of systole
End diastolic volume (EDV)
Volume in ventricle at the end of diastole
Stroke volume (SV)
EDV-ESV. Quantity of blood expelled per beat (L)
Cardiac output (CO)
SV x HR. Volume of blood pumped by the heart (L/min)