The science of matter and energy and their interactions.
What do knives damage as they cut through food?
Cell structure (much like cooking and freezing) and that can affect color, texture and flavor.
Do onions have the same pungency when sliced in different directions?
No, they are less pungent when cut pole to pole (with the grain) as opposed to through the equator (against the grain); less cell damage pole to pole.
When cut, where does the intense flavor and acrid odor of onions come from?
Substances called thiosulfinates.
How are thiosulfinates (from onion) created?
When enzymes known as alliinases contained in the onion’s cells interact with an amino acid called isoalliin that is also present in the vegetable.
Example of how cutting affects cooked food.
If you slice a grilled flank steak across the grain (that is, from side to side rather than end to end), you are i effect making these long fibers much shorter and thus easier to chew.
Cut into very thin strips. Usually applies to fresh herbs, especially basil.
Fine chop
Cut to 1/8 to 1/4 inch pieces.
Medium chop
Cut into 1/4 to 1/2 inch pieces
Coarse chop
Cut into 1/2 to 3/4 inch pieces
Cut crosswise
To cut across food, perpendicular to its length.
Cut lengthwise
To cut with the length of the food, from end to end.
Cut on the bias
To cut across the food with the knife held at 45º angle to the food. Used for long, slender items such as asparagus.
To cut into uniform cubes with straight, even sides.
To cut into matchstick-size pieces, usually 2 inches long and 1/8 inch thick.